Crypto Phone Scammers

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

I'm wondering if anyone else has had any scammers call them to try and steal your crypto from you?

I've been receiving phonecalls on a daily basis for about a year now from people calling themselves 'The Blockchain'. I usually ask them a few questions and then hang up but today I thought I'd really let them work for it for a change.

I had this poor sap on the phone for over an hour and a half this time.
The spiel goes like this -
They have some crypto from 'the authorities' which I was supposedly scammed out of while trading by unscrupulous crypto trading companies and they would like to refund me the money I lost.

Firstly I have never 'traded' any crypto except for the little bits on Ionomy from Hive to BTC to Blurt. I did dabble at one time with a company that called me claiming they would trade on the cypto market for me using some kind of program. I forget their name but it turned out to be not as described so I asked for my money back and got it.

So there could be a bit of truth in their story if I chose to believe it technically.

I let him go with his spiel for a while to find out where the catch was and finally got to it when he sent me an email. I spotted it straight away.


So I asked him why he couldn't take out his fee when he sent me the € 158,860.18 which he said was owed to me, like they do with all transactions on the blockchain? He gave me some cockamaimey story about the funds being 'frozen' so that it doesn't lose value if BTC goes down which might sound plausible to a complete MORON. If it's 'frozen' and he can't take out his fee then how can he send me it in the first place?

Oh I had lots of questions like that for him and he got so stumped he kept putting me on hold while he either looked through his playbook or asked his supervisor what to say next. At one point he even claimed all the phone lines went down at his end. Which is also funny coz he came right back after a short silence.

When I asked him about this 'withdrawal' of 0.31% and how they would take that he wanted to know how much I had in my crypto wallet LOL
I told him that I had less than 400 so couldn't possibly pay that amount up front.

He claimed we would do a 'linked transfer' meaning they would take the fee out at the same time as putting the bog money INto my wallet.
This also didn't make sense to me. Never heard of anything like that but not being a crypto geek what do I know hahaha.

So it came down to the crunch and he asked me how much I had in the bank!!!! What a cheek. Even the gubbermunt aren't allowed to ask that (yet). He explained I could top up my crypto wallet with money in my bank account to cover the 400.? money he wanted to scam off me.

This was when I stopped being Mrs Nice-know-nothing-about-crypto and started to laugh at him. Bless him he still kept trying, called me his friend and assured me he was no scammer.

At one point he even tried to persuade him to let him link into my computer! Absolutely no way let anyone do that to you unless you know and completely trust them, even then no. See this video of the professionals scamming the scammers -

Just this once I did not hang up on them I let him hang up on me. I hope he finds a real job with a legit company soon and I hope his spiel hasn't worked on any other people who don't have much of a pot to piss in.

Now who do I go to with a genuine complaint about these scammers? Is there anyone dealing with them or is it a free for all out there. If only I had a way of recording the call and I could have posted it on YT along with all the other phonescam video's.

Please be careful out there. There are so many of these scammers about.
If you want a laugh and a lesson on how to deal with scammers (if you have nothing better to do (like cleaning or hoovering) then check this funny video out too LOL
As long as we can keep them busy the less time they have to scam gullible people...........

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So you had some ,...

But really , looking back at my life ,.. it all seems a f#cking scam to me .
Dammn did they all fool me ,.. take it and leave .
All sinners are saint's these days ,..
and the devil is downgraded to a crypto scammer .
Have some sympathy ,.. just don't fall for his tricks .

No it's the ones that scammed me out of my joy in life and left me with anger . Anger is self destructive and no good for communication , how rude to leave one with that ain't it now .
I thought i had it covered ,.. that i was releasing all this negative energy some way by controlling my peaceful communication . Was loosing my anger true time . ,... but nope ,... it all comes back to me now ,.. because , damn , i just had some strong fly agaric moonshine just now .

Yeah , sorry ,.. went way of topic i guess ,.. but that shroom ,.. made me focus on all sorts of unfinished shit form the past ,.. get stuck on it even . Like having clear live flashbacks from a past long gone , facing all my inner demons , fearless and free , but awkwardly stuck in it .

Like nothing triggers me anymore , and there's no topic to me worth to do a post on either . ,.. Someone please hit me !
I feel scammed !

Disclamer : don't send a shrink ,. i am fine ,.. live is good ,.. and starvation is only about two weeks from my door .

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Don't you dare worry about starvation ... 🥓

The Nukes will eliminate that option.

Don't you know the old rule of never texting while drunk (or high on mushrooms) you might say something you'll regret. Apart from that thanx for the entertainment 🤣

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

rules don't apply to me , ill just keep dropping and breaking them .
And no comment other then ,.. some more entertainment . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm surprised that there are no spammers yet asking me about my non-existent car's limited warranty. lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

scummy scammers

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've not had any scam phone calls yet.

Posted from

ur lucky, it got to where I was getting 2 calls a day. Sometimes I just leave them on hold and play some loud music. I think they might give up now.

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