Things that make you go hmmmmm #3

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

So today we had news of a plane making an emergency landing at Shannon airport due to a passenger 'dying suddenly'. Yeh I suppose these things happen now and again but seemingly much more often these days. That's not my point tho.

Turkish Airlines flight TK-801 was travelling from Istanbul in Turkey to Bogotá, Columbia at the time and was about four hours into its journey when the crew declared a medical emergency.

In the report it says the flight was 450km from Cork when it radioed in requesting an emergency landing. Here's a rough drawing of where the plane could have been when it called it in.

Shannon airport is north of Cork where the map says 'Limerick' so if they chose that airport over Dublin then we can guess the plane was somewhere on that red circle between 4 o'clock and 6 o'clock making Shannon closer with no turning involved.

Why is this odd then? Well the flight was from Istanbul to Bogota so what was it doing flying over Ireland? Was the pilot lost?

Here's the flight route as it's shown to us - Actual flightpaths are my wobbly lines in bright red.

Even with the weird curvature the plane shouldn't be anywhere near Uk. The flight was off course by a good 2000 miles if this picture is to be believed.

The only way this flight path makes any sense is if you look at it on a flat earth map. Suddenly it makes perfect sense for that plane to be there as it's on a straight line from Istanbul to Bogota.

This is not a map yet but it's a work in progress using flight miles between major cities. As you can see the flight would take a route past London at about the right distance to end up over Ireland.


Hard to find a decent FE map online these days to show you but will give it a try -

as you can see by my wobbly red line which pretty much goes right over the bottom tip of Uk and Ireland where they said it was when it radio'd in.

So this flight path and many other emergency landings in weird way-off-route-places make absolutely no sense looking at their own flight plans and globe model maps. They only make sense on a flat earth map.

Like the one on the UN logo. Yes why does the UN use a FE map as its logo?


Why is that and why does no-one even wonder about these things when they're in the news? Am I nuts?
Or does it make you go hmmmmmmm?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

you can even replay the flights as they happened.

btw ancient Greeks debunked the flat earth nonsense - with some simple observations - but we are so so much smarter, eh.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I'm not looking for an FE argument here. I'm not qualified to hold my own but I know in my gut they're lying. So many things just don't make sense.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you run those two videos of the actual flights, you'll see a kink over northern France, so there may have been some warning before they finally decided that the guy was possibly dying. The one odd thing is why the flight headed for Ireland rather than Spain. dunno.

when you see long haul flights flying over you do they fly in a curve pattern? They always fly in a dead straight line. If you look at the difference between the straight line on a globe and then the FE being over france at all only makes sense on the latter. The globe straight line pretty much flies over the med and North Africa surely that's cheaper airspace right there?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

just plain wrong. (pun intended)

yup that red line is inaccurate so it's a lie.

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This doesn't answer any of my hmmmms tho. The route is still not straight and it doesn't look anything like the flight route they claim is used either.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

define "straight" on a sphere.

Most flight paths start with an arc of a great circle, but then have to calculate "overflight fees" that are paid to each country one flies over - that can change slightly the cheapest path.
Looks like the Turks don't want to pay Spain and Portugal's overflight fees, so just keep flying over France then head over the Atlantic ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What do you mean the "route they claim is used"?
Advertising routes on brochures are not real routes - they just pictures.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

so what? that idiot doesn't know what an arc of a great circle is.
look it up!
use that great circle map - it even shows a sphere!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeh I looked it up, it's like heavy maths lol. The thing is they're not ON a circle they're thousands of feet up in the air, doesn't that make a difference in the calculations? What I was pointing out is the arc they showed on the 'route' pic still wasn't the route that plane took. It was way off. All this maths kinda reminds me of the excuses they make in biology to explain things within their bodged theories.
Also one more thing, if you are constantly flying, say, west on the FE model you will be flying in a curve too.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Which "route pic"?
I've explained this twice already.
Is quite amusing, maths seems your blind spot. Just coz you don't understand it doesn't make it wrong.
You start to sound like your own critics.
Get a globe and some string and do it manually. Pick two cities and find the shortest length of string between the two - not like that moron with an inflated non-sphere and his marker pens drawing his lines of delusion.
Also, define "curve". You seem to confuse a curve in space with a curve as the projection on the sphere. Is just spherical geometry.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Obviously the earth is flat.

WTF was that horrific noise? Jazz? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The Flat Earth Society.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The whole discussion about flat or a ball is not relevant to me .
It doesn't solve anything or reveal a greater truth if one or the other is real or not . Instead i kind of see the whole discussion as only dividing and so creating conflict .

I could deeply engage in this ,.. but really see no point in doing so .
And i guess we will only truthfully know about the greater workings if we pull down the curtains in the wizards control room .
That room is in the castle some say ,.. the red brick old Tartarian road leads there , or was it that shiny yellow one ?
Anyways ,.. let's go ,.. we got a long way to go !
Like what ever the road looks like ,.. we are on it together .

Did i make you go Hmmmm ? ,.. i did ,. didn't i .
For the whole topic of the post ?

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I disagree that it doesn't matter. It matters a lot because if it is a lie it's the biggest lie of all. It's monumental.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well at least we are on the same page about lethal injections...veganism and flatearthtardism not so much...


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Yeh well nothings perfect eh ;-)

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