Regret is the emotion of wishing one had made a different decision in the past, because the consequences of the decision were unfavorable. Regret is related to perceived opportunity.
The mRNA is Not Healthy
There are no actual health professionals that make the claim that the COVID injection is "healthy", or that it would protect you from getting sick, only that it may "lessen the symptoms". Political groups like the CDC or hospital systems will make these claims, but with very shaky evidence.
The mechanics of how the alleged "vaccine" operates is unhealthy at it's very core. There is nothing in the natural world (other than a virus) that would cause human cells to produce "spike proteins" in a person's blood. These proteins are a foreign substance and causes irritation and inflammation (a result of cellular damage) in various parts of the body.
If the injection recipient is unfortunate enough to experience extreme inflammation in any major organs, the results can be catastrophic.
Many People Were Tricked
Because of the massive psychological and social campaign to encourage people to participate in the massive radical medical experiment, many people assumed that getting "vaccinated" would protect them from the terrifying virus. The "health authorities" speak with such confidence and government agencies and news organization use certain inflections in their voice that sound so assured.
Then the populous at large was warned about "vaccine hesitancy", as if simply hesitating was a social faux pas. Nobody wanted to be called "hesitant".
Now this label "the unvaccinated" has emerged in an attempt to segregate society into two peoples. Nobody wants to be called "unvaccinated".
The Gig Is Up, What Do We Do Now?
Here we are, two years after the initial hysteria and all sorts of information is coming out.
Now that the disease from 2019 is fading, a new threat has to be addressed: the tyrannical response "to keep people safe".
Our job now is to help heal those who have been damaged by the first two (or three) injections.
World Council for Health: Spike Protein Detox
Download the pdf here:
Both the virus and the injection cause dangerous spike proteins to circulate in your body causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needle, ivermectin, neem, n-acetylcystein (NAC) and glutathione.
Spike protein detox includes vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium.
The Spike Protein
IF you've had COVID, or accepted the injection, you have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your blood. After receiving the injection, messenger RNA will cause cells to begin producing these spike proteins, responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection.
How to Protect Your ACE2 Receptors
Spike proteins attach to ACE2 receptors, impairing normal function. This blockage may alter tissue functions and could be responsible for triggering *an autoimmune disease. It could cause abnormal bleeding or clotting, including vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia.
Sustances that can protect your ACE2 receptors:
- ivermection (binding to ACE2, preventing COVID spike protein from binding)
- quercetin (with zinc)
- hydroxychloroquin (with zinc)
- Nigella Sativa (black cumin)
- Curcumin (Tumeric)
- Resveratrol (found in fruits)
- Boswellia Serrata (frankincense)
How to Detox from Furin and Serine Protease
Natural furin inhibitors will prevent cleavage of the spike protein and will help detox from furin. Once the body is detoxified from furin, the spike protein has no ability to cleave itself apart to further it's replication.
Furin cleavage sites are how we know for certain that SARS-COV-2 is a not a naturally occurring virus. It was an "upgrade" from the 2005 model SARS-COV-1, making the 2019 version much more transmissible. Official sounding people will say "evolution", but this explanation falls apart with about five minutes of investigation.
To detox, adjust your diet to include furin inhibitors found in these essential compounds:
- Rutin
- Limonene
- Baicalein
- Hesperidin
Comprehensive List and Doses for Detox
To detox from an injection, it must be treated similar to the actual COVID illness. Fighting the spike protein is no different than fighting the coronovirus itself.
IF you or anyone you know are looking for ways to detoxify from spike proteins, please consider the above substances. They are all healing, mostly natural by design, essentially healthy food.
May food be your medicine!

Bless the Most High!
I drink pine needle tea every day so I should be fine.
I also eat 2-3 Home grown organic Empire apples a day. Empire apples are the Best medicine on the planet.
Excellent information! Thanks!
I'm glad the information is out there!
Very informative
I never knew about this
Thanks for sharing this information
Hello dear sir @ironshield!
New year has come.
2021 year bye! bye!
Has gone from all us .
And New year 2022 has come.
I most welcome to new year .
I wish every blurTian!
I hope that everything will be good
in our life.
I congratulate from bottom of my heart.
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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord
I'm betting psilocybin will also be used correctionally as well as rehabilitation-ally from hence forth.