RE: Mask Mandates Are Back! ( I am not kidding, it's true)

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Mask Mandates Are Back! ( I am not kidding, it's true)

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

You can't vote your way out of tyranny. They don't allow it, and you should have known that since they illegally stole the presidency from Ron Paul 12 years ago.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Still hoping to avoid blood in the streets, but I can't argue with you. That's why I'm trying to get moved to the country, to be 'not worth the effort' to come after!

I'm seeing a total breakdown soon....


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think you're right. They are doing everything possible to crash the system and/or start unrest. I hope a lot of people are doing what we're doing - being as ready for anything as we can!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The more we can prepare, including learning; will increase our survival percentages! Our families are depending upon us to survive, it is a large responsibility. I refuse to fail!!!!

But they will crash our systems...soon; I gotta be ready.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're more ready than most, and that counts for a lot. But you're right, we need to be as ready as we possibly can, and maintain that state of readiness. Myself, I'm sick and suffering nonstop, and barely able to take care of our daily activities, let alone preparing much for the future. I believe in it 100%, I know it's imperative, and I know what to do because I've been studying and practicing it for 15 years. But I haven't got the money to do much, and I've got even less health. I want to be taking care of my girl, which I did for many years, but now that I'm sick we're taking care of each other. And 2 little children. With no family or friends! I've seen this coming for a long time, and accurately predicted many aspects of what we're seeing today. I helped a lot of people wake up and start to get ready. I even helped several people get rich. Sadly, it got me nowhere except outcast by my family, and now I'm dying and leaving my crippled wife alone with the babies. Woops! : ((

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is a challenge for sure! I'm fighting cancer right now, but with anointing, prayers, and herbals; I'm healing fast enough the doctors are confused! One treatment I'm using you might gain from, I'm using a poltice of castor oil over the places that hurt. This has healed a number of tumors already! It jump starts your local immune system....

We must become mighty men, for our families! Being Dad is the hardest job I've ever loved.

Be blessed my Friend!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, you too.
I am wary about jump starting my local immune system because it's already too active...
I forgot to pick up my heart pills when I was out today. Been a few days since I had one, but I'm doing okay. Still in a lot of pain, but going to get a new pillow and see if that helps.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nettle will help repair the mine system to normal operation. It got Debbie 16 + extra years!

Teasel tincture is good for chronic pain, and tumeric is a strong anti inflammatory.

The castor oil penetrates deep, and it's offensive to tumors. Comfrey tincture can help, it's a healing accelerator.

Stay blessed!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I know nettle grows nearby... I will learn more about it and look toward getting some in my garden for Spring.
Have a good weekend : ))

Hey buddy, what are you hearing up there in Canada? Restrictions coming back up there too? Is there media hype over "the new variant" up there? What's the current situation up there with wildfires?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, we're towing the Covid line again, if the deep state globalists want another Covid wave, perhaps so they can ensure another election steal, then that's what will happen. No new mandates affecting me just yet, but other Canadians are now wearing masks again, going for another round of boosters, and so on. Thankfully, I hear that less than 1 in 10 Canadians is up to date with our shots. Just about nobody is falling for that anymore, but I have a feeling they are going to up the ante this time around, to shock more into compliance with fear. You know the drill!
The wildfires are a major agenda. So many people out of their homes right now, and others are locked down! Nobody being allowed to help those in need, while the firefighters stand idle, and the cops hold people back. 1/4 of Canada's land area is currently under full evacuation, and a "no go" zone. With a 0% vacancy ratre because of the "refugee crisis" (unchecked mass immigration/invasion), there's nowhere for the evacuees to stay. So they can't go home, but they can't have somewhere else to stay.... yeah it's a shit show. Now we have protesters (friends of mine) forming convoys of supplies and trying to help, but being turned back at the roadblocks, and called nasty names by the media. "They tried to run the barricades!" and so on, when really they just made themselves known, delivered a message to RCMP, documented it all, and turned back peacefully when stopped by men with guns.

Wow dude! Thanks for the update. This new "wave" seems to be a global agenda. Again. Just trying to wear us down. Maybe even blame the "variant" for upcoming health issues from the hockey pokey. More and more heart attacks from previous heart damage. Who knows what other wrecked health effects from them are manifesting. A new "highly mutated variant" would give them cover.

Fire is a good way to get people out of the future no go zones they want. A good way to "Build back Better (Smarter)". And a good way to scare people into accepting Climate Change "Mitigation". Sounds perfect doesn't it?!

Trudeau is a special kind of psychopath isn't he. Preventing communities from coming together in compassion. Making sure any suffering is maximized. A real piece of work.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You nailed it - great summary of the sad situation we find ourselves in.