Shackled minds - money - digital ID - part 3

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

The above video was sent to me by @rycharde and is apt.

That video plays into my theory to perfection regards my final summary post, possibly number 10 in this series (possibly less).
You may note too the source is the Financial Times whose main topic is investing and money so can not be dismissed as a conspiracy theory, (perfect)...
Many of us who have eyes to see and brains to think with have been pointing out the digital ID idea for years, but how many of us knew it had been like that for a decade in some countries?
Many different countries are used to test ideas, see what people will put up with, see when they reach the point they say no, enough.
China seems like the main candidate with regards to the above, in Shanghai there are 25 million people starving that have now had fences built outside their front doors so they can not leave their own homes.

"Shanghai: Green fences baffle locked down residents."

But I am not writing this to discus China or Shanghai; as much as I feel for them.
We are taking a trip to the west African continent today, if you will come along for the ride!...


Reports suggest that over 73 million residents now have no way to communicate via mobile phone with outgoing calls - due to the fact they refused to attach their digital ID to their phones. That is give or take 1/3rd of the population or to put it into perspective more than the entire population with regards to England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland combined AKA Great Britain UK...

10 years they have had a digital ID on the phones.

"Nigeria blocks 73 million mobile numbers for not being tied to national ID system
Major privacy and civil liberties concerns."

You may note this part = "requires citizens to register their personal details, photos, and bio-metrics."

Interestingly in the same country there are many rural people and other people without bank accounts, so they have successfully been paying via apps. One's that require no bank account too, this/these app/s were due to be their version of digital money and tied to the above digital ID, meaning the government and third parties can track your every move and purchase.

According to the below site there are 215 million people in that lovely country.

Which means roughly a third of the population refused to be tracked via the app by the government.
If we take another snippet from the first article here =

“The National Identity Number (NIN) is required to open a bank account, apply for a driver’s license, vote, get health insurance, and file tax returns,”

That means 1/3rd of Nigerians now live outside the government system, good on them, IMO, we all have one.

They will need to find a way around the mobile phone system soon, and buy sim cards from other countries or make a system that does not require registration, the latter is very difficult as most countries I have been to do require registration including here in Poland, and my last country I lived in Spain, plus the UK.
Thailand when I was last there (9 years ago) did not require registration, maybe @lucylin, @rycharde or @dudiland could confirm if it is still the same.

Everything written in the NOT SO "great reset" by Klaus Schwab and co are not new ideas, they have been tested and tried in many countries for decades or for half a century or so in some, like China.
"You will own nothing and be happy" is one quote, but how many people know this to be already true in China?

In China you own any property or land for 70 years, then it goes back to the state.

"“what happens to houses after 70 years” problem has once again become an urgent and real issue."

In Thailand when I was last there a farrang or foreigner was only allowed to own 49% of a house with 51% being owned by a Thai person or people.
I am unsure if it is still the same, maybe one of the 3 people I mentioned above could confirm, but at least 49% is better than handing it back after 70 years.

One could question/argue the fact that we never own any home/land while we have to pay land tax every year with regards to it, which means we are never free of debt even though we paid for our property or land outright.

After reading the not so "great reset" and noting that different countries have or are already testing all of the ideas in said book with varying scales, I can assume it is nothing more than a mishmash of ideas already in use in differing countries, thrown together and presented as something new.
The tracking app for covid in the UK was downloaded by 12 million people and failed miserably at a huge financial cost, we all should know who benefited from the money, crony capitalism and all.

"NHS coronavirus app: Police told not to install track and trace tool on work phones as it reaches 12 million downloads."

"“Unimaginable” cost of Test & Trace failed to deliver central promise of averting another lockdown."

Part 1 here 1.
Part 2 here 2.
You are reading part 3.

Anyone from Nigeria please add your thoughts below in the comment section, it would be great to hear from you.

Have a superb day ahead, part 4 tomorrow.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Invest in G4S - now the anodyne Allied Universal.

The virus is people!

Watch out for huge contracts for fencing.

the powerlessness of the masses on show.

Help the psychopaths reincarnate into a better life.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I would invest in g4s is as likely as sitting poking my eyeballs with a knitting needle.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah, like investing in the medcorps.
tho would help pay for the ammo.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Got plenty of ammo, bought it over the last few years, could see this all coming like a steam train with no brakes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

nice film, but its in my eyes to easy to tell the story that way and blame the russian oligarches only, the british has done that in the same ways like them and the spanish and the americans and and and...
the british empire was build on robbing money from other states, like india, look at their development after the empire had left interest over there !
So these guys aren´t the ones who can point with the finger on others, they had to tip there own nose and fell ashame for the next 2000 years instead ;)

Anyway my guys the germans are also perfectly organized guys for money laundering in their state !

and its really insane that the UK media (and politicians in good company with the boy friends from the US) try to blame russia for that war now that was build up by them selfs before long time ago in the early 2000 ending in a first test to change the government and install their puppet system to fullfil their goals of extending the NATO territory eastwards to gain more influence and worth for them.
All of this doesn´t seems to be real, wasn´t happened, never thought, never done, but is still more or less well documented and just hidden behind vaults.

No one of the so called rullers of the old and the new world-order are better than the others, not one of them is free of guilt, a proper new start of all that needs fresh people on the top and new understanding of how things will work out when treating other countries the same way you like to be treated.

There is a long long way to go on that process of finding the right way to save our future and our lifes without having to fight again.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

NATO caused this war, so did the Ukraine bombing the east of the Ukraine since 2014, all governments are to blame, not just one.