In the infinite realm of the universe, our world seems smaller than a rock, but there are still countless hidden wonders waiting for man to discover.
- Dragonflies have been around the world for about 300 million years.
- The bee's wings move 190 times a second, meaning the bee moves its wings 11,400 times a minute.
- Caterpillars have 12 eyes.
- A hive of bees can produce 100 kg of honey in a year.
- Killer worms stick their own dead prey on their bodies to scare their enemies so that they look scary.
- Mosquitoes stink.
- Locusts existed even before dinosaurs.
- A species of Ladybird eats 5,000 insects in its lifetime.
- A beetroot can pull 1,141 times its own weight. It's like a man pulling 6 double decker buses.
- Stonefly males sometimes do push ups to attract females.