Empty Shelves, "Greedflation" and "Shrinkflation..." Life Goes On

in inflation •  2 years ago 

Seems like there are more and more empty shelves at the supermarket these days, as this "recession" — or whatever we want to call it — continues.


Went to the store yesterday and there was pretty much no canned cat food at all, and I was going buy some chicken to cook for dinner, but my choices were limited to very large packs of drumsticks and some very overpriced breast meat that had been soaked in an unidentified able bright orange marinade.

So I made a hard pass on the chicken.

We're certainly seeing more and more of the effects of inflation around here.

As far as I can tell, the "official" number of 8% to 9% is patent nonsense; I've seen a lot of the prices of things we buy every day — whether it's milk, or rice, or a package of cheese, or a slice of steak rise in price by 30 to 40% since the beginning of the year.


Of course it's unlikely that the government would ever tell anybody exactly what's going on for fear of the fact that everybody would just freak out.

Undeniably, at least some of this has nothing to do with official inflation numbers in the economy, and a lot to do with companies seeing the feared specter of inflation as something people are scared of, and consequently trying to get away with raising the price of their products by 30% in order to pad their profits, when the actual cost of the item only went up by 10%.

The term that gets thrown around a lot in that context is "greedflation."


And then there's the other buzzword of the moment: "shrinkflation."

Shrinkflation is what's happening to my cereal, to a package of bacon and to a bag of chips where it looks like you're buying the same thing as before and it has only gone up a few cents, but what was a 32-ounce "economy size" package now is a 28-ounce "economy size" package.

Do they really think people are stupid enough to not notice?

Wait… don't answer that!

I'm not sure where this is all going to end… I'm sure the panic monger anarchistas are running around in a circle screaming "the end of the world!"

Harvesting green beans in our garden

As for me, I'm just glad we grow a lot of our own food and thus a fairly substantial percentage of what's going on in the greater world remains only of peripheral interest.

Still, we have to deal with such things as the price of electricity and the price of our Internet service going up. Because that stuff never goes down.

Such is life.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

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