Indonesia Presidential Election Prabowo-Gibran Won in 30 Provinces

in indonesia •  4 months ago 

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There are three contestants who run for presidential election in Indonesia. Prabowo-Gibran , Anis-Muhaiman and Ganjar-Mahfud. The manual counting has finished 32 provinces from 38 provinces. Prabowo-Gibran won in 30 Provinces with 58 % more. It means the presidential election will only be held one round because one contestant has won 50% plus 1.

01 and 03 still do not accept the result

The contestants of number 01 and 03 still reject the result. The announcement will be released on 20 March 2024. There are a lot of demonstrators from 01 and 03 who strike in front of Indonesian Election Commision (KPU). They asked for justice because they accused that 02 or Prabowo-Gibran has done some cheating. However, KPU insists that there are no massive frauds or cheatings. KPU found no proof of the accusation so they will continue the next manual counting. There are only 6 provinces. The manual counting is open for public so if there is fraud, the witnesses from contestants can debat and reject with valid proof. Unless the witnesses can show proofs, KPU will finalize the manual counting though there is rejection.

Now, the police officers guard the KPU building because there are many protesters. 01 and 03 supporters join the protests. They asked for the reelection. In fact, some voting stations that hold reelection won 02 or Prabowo-Gibran. 20 March will be hard day fo KPU because there are masses that want to make chaos if KPU announce 02 as the winner. However, the result is fixed that Prabowo-Gibran has won 58% and they are the winner.

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