Back Home, such a good feeling

in india •  last year 

After three and a half months making a short visit to home again in Mumbai. It feels like as if I am going after 3 years :)
When I reached at the airport today it was comparatively empty then my last few travels. Probably now the mad travel rush due to Covid bans is easing out. The flight was also operating at just about 60 to 70% capacity. May be because now Oman Air has 2 flights to Mumbai so the crowd gets distributed.
Its good for me, because I travel on staff tickets so no chances of getting offloaded, which is always a concern when the flights are full.
This time I travelled with quite a baggage, I was just hoping that it would go through. I was excess by 1.5 kg but they let it pass.


All our lives either me or hubby has been working for Airlines, we have always had the privilege of tickets, which makes our travels easy and the main cost which is the airfare goes down considerably. This is the best benefit of working for an Airline. In all these years, just once we have been offloaded, else all other times we have managed to get on-board.

Reaching home feels good. I keep thinking how long will I go on between the 2 countries. It disturbs my routines and specially my diet. Hopefully a year or two and then I would return back to India permanently.

The landing views, it was foggy, so could not get a clear picture

Will be in Mumbai for the next 20 days and they are completely packed up with a lot of work to do around my new home and also taking care of other pending work. But the best part is to be with my Son. When I am away I miss him also loads. I like my family being together. He has a seminar where he is going to talk on Cryptos, I am glad that I will be able to attend that as well. Being away I miss most of his seminars.

This time one thing I am going to miss is my Aerial Yoga, because my instructor is on her wedding leave. I normally do not miss this whenever I am in town and I do not wish to go to any other instructor. As it is my schedule is hectic so I am ok to give it a pass this time. Ya, but my home fitness routines and walks do continue.

Today is going to be a rest day and I will keep it short, from tomorrow all the action starts.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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