Attending a Wedding last evening

in india •  2 years ago 

Last evening, I attended my friend's daughter's wedding. It was a grand affair. This is what I enjoy about India, the traditions, the culture everything is at its best. In my circle all our children have grown up and it's almost time for their weddings, so now one after another they are all set up for their marriage. Time just flies, it feels like they have all grown up so fast. Anyways, that's part of life.

The decor of the place was very beautifully done. In our weddings normally there is a crowd of 800 to 1000 people from both the sides. That's quite a lot. In India normally parents start saving for their children's higher education and wedding right from the time they are born, because these are two big expenses of our life time and money just does not come one fine day when you need. One needs to plan for it.

It was so nice to meet so many friends of mine. Our Parsee community is a very small community and when we gather up, we end up knowing many people around. We are just about 100k spread out in the whole world, with the majority being in India. My non-Parsee friends also make fun of me saying, soon you guys will be seen in a museum. Since now I have been away from home for a very long time, I have lost touch with quite a few people and on these occasions, it is a good opportunity to catch up with people. Moreover, it also gives you the feeling of being connected with your roots. Back in Muscat I miss all of these things, our traditions and culture and also the people. It makes me feel so much me when I am in my tribe.

The place was completely lit up with lights and there was beautiful flower decor done around the place. Clicked a few pictures of the place.
This is the entrance.



The stage where the bride and groom were meeting their guest. There was music and dancing and there was a bar which served variety of drinks. A good entertainment for the guest. In our community it is believed that a function is incomplete without these things. It is like a must have.



There is a separate eating area. This is the traditional way of eating in the weddings. Food is served on a Banana leaf. We enjoy these traditions and always look forward to. Nowadays a lot of people go for Buffet style but this is what majority of us prefer.


Since I was alone, I tagged along with a friend of mine who was also invited for the wedding. The other good thing I enjoy about these ceremonies is that I get a chance to wear a Saree. I do not wear Saree commonly, it's only if I have to attend a wedding or any big occasion then I prefer wearing.

In my 3 weeks of stay in the city, I have 3 such occasions to attend. I am happy and looking forward to.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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