| Hallo , willkommen zu einem weiteren Post von @blackmedschn . Auch heute wieder hat !sich @blackmedschn´s Schwester Blecky so richtig ins Zeugs gelegt für viele viele #GIF´s , zu viele , hihi . . Ja , die Blecky hat so viele Ideen , dass !man !sie echt bremsen muss . | |
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Peno îdîty , o k ?
No , @blackmedschn , beeîng peno îd , grew up where ît felt lîke havîng an "evîl" sîgn , so mewhere , there .
The Peno îd was an îro n claw , havîng to be put´însîde the vagînal humanîshy îndîvîdualet to , .. beco me happy o r what ??
The "fact" to have the peno îd o f a Peno îd însîde a vagîna o f a Vagînal centered aro und all lo vîngly to pîcs . | |
Îs @blackmedschn gettîng clear typîng thîs here ?
There was no way to just be to gether în #Lo VE , the Peno îd had to "grab" and the Vaghînal had to resîst .
Eîther way the peno îd o f the Peno îd had to be a pro ud stro ng îrresîstable undestro yable întercauseweapo n to let the Vagînal feel "real" satîsfyîng vagînalîty , and the Peno îd had to do anythîng at any co st to get the Vagînal o rgasmîc after lo ng satîsfyîng tender penetratîo n . |
Huh , and yes , @blackmedschn was able to co pe wîth thîs , teethîng gîrls peno îdely , but fo r @blackmedschn ît !never theethed aro und mîdnîght .
But to days to pîc , dîd @blackmedschn get îts po înt ?
No @blackmedschn just descrîbed the fact ît grew up în , thîngs have changed tho ugh , o rgasmîng wîth a peno îd însîde ruled all o ver the "lo vîng" actîvîtîes aro und @blackmedschn , and ît had to try to go alo ng wîth thîs . | |
În îts last Po st @blackmedschn mentîo ned the îro n rule o f kîssîng , whîch was alway manîfest în every lîttle flîrt , mechanîstîc lîke @blackmedschn descrîbed abo ve .
În fact a peno îd îs a quîte stunnîng o rgan , the o nly thîng ît fears îs beeîng cut hardly , but ît was meant to be însîde , no thîng but a vagîna wo uld make the peno îd feel rîght .... 🤠 , hîhî . |
#VîAGRA #GPo îNT , ît´s all abo ut the legend o f the erected peno îd .
No and no , @blackmedschn wo uld have been capable o f havîng an ejaculatîo n, unerectedt , just kîssîng so ftly în a hug , but ît felt thîs wo uld be very fo rbîdden to do , and dîdnt , în theese ultrarare sîtuatîo ns , wîth Vagînals.
Thîs was no t realîty , sex was ejaculatîo nwo rk , are teeth really eno ugh fo r Vagînals ? | |
Ejaculatîo n was far no t eno ugh fo r @blackmedschn though , and ît resîgned . |
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