barish rain

in inblurt •  2 years ago 

Everyone loves the beautiful rainy season, the sun playing with the clouds, sometimes the sun, sometimes the shadows, the colors of the rainbow scattering on the horizon, sometimes the soft raindrops smelling the dust, sometimes raining heavily day and night, sometimes The thunder of the clouds and the occasional flash of lightning. The rainy season is so beautiful, pleasant, charming and pleasant when everything looks neat, neat and tidy and gives coolness to the green eyes. The leaves, the flowers, the branches are swaying in the wind. The scent of dust overwhelms the senses. This is the season when sleep becomes dominant even though you don't want to and your heart starts beating with joy without any reason.

In the month of June, when the sun shines on the eyes, the scorching heat touches the face and ears, the heat is intense, everything is scorched. I live in desolation. The water in the rivers and streams dwindles. In such a month, in the month of July, the Almighty showers the rain of mercy on His servants, birds and animals. There is a feeling of coolness in the air then suddenly it starts raining and if there is a strong wind blowing with the rain then there is also a feeling of mild cold. Children are seen bathing in the rain and having fun. Spring has come in the fields and gardens. Yellow-colored leaves, fields, orchards, turn green and fresh. After a while, when the clouds part, the rain stops and the information clears. The weather is clear. Life has become pleasant everywhere, the fountains have started flowing, the birds have started chirping, the buds have started smiling and greenery is appearing everywhere.


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