Frequency Illusion

in illusion •  2 years ago 

The frequency illusion occurs when "a concept or thing you just found out about suddenly seems to pop up everywhere." Wnkipedia quoting Pacific Standard.

More from the PS article:

Stanford linguistics professor Arnold Zwicky coined the term in 2006 to describe the syndrome in which a concept or thing you just found out about suddenly seems to crop up everywhere. [Did you notice?] It’s caused, he wrote, by two psychological processes. The first, selective attention, kicks in when you’re struck by a new word, thing, or idea; after that, you unconsciously keep an eye out for it, and as a result find it surprisingly often. The second process, confirmation bias, reassures you that each sighting is further proof of your impression that the thing has gained overnight omnipresence.

Now you know what to tell all the Klimate Krisis Kult members and the Kovidians:"You're suffering from frequency illusion." The illusion that hearing the same lies multiple times per day makes any of them true.

Maybe we should give it a new name - frequency delusion.

To make this genuinely creepy:

Oliver Sacks noted that he started noticing numerous people with Tourette syndrome only after he first came across the term.

And therein lies much of the DSM and psychiatry as a scifid con.

Frequency Delusion = Propaganda Works

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Trouble is the kinda people propaganda works on won't have a clue what this post means.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

maybe not, but insulting their intelligence comes free.
To use the language back at them.
Because that's what they use in their fact-chuckers sites.
Funnily, if you search for any kind of explosions, such as HCQ factories (rem Taiwan?), food distro etc... all Goeggel comes up with is a page full of denialism-sites.

call them THAT = denial-spreaders

fact wreckers are so last year, pretty much everyone ignores them now, in fact they've become a badge of honour. Did you know my recent stint on the TNT radio show was fact checked!! LOL

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I always have that when i just bought a new car ( second hand that is ) .
Taking the first drive , feeling all good in my to me unique car ,.. the brand and type seems to pop up everywhere .
Like my interest for this car made me notice them much more while they where always there before but i just didn't see them as special yet .

And yes this workings of the mind are being used to program narratives in to common people ,.. rinse and repeat . Indeed frequency delusion = propaganda works .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good example. But it doesn't warrant a syndrome, is just the difference between recognition moving attention, versus not! We don't notice the make of every car we pass coz... it's pointless use of brain power.

Those weeds are everywhere! Always were, except now I recog some of them.

The Kovidian mystery kult does the same - with nothing, hence the mystery - what one sees are the effects of mandates as proxies for... the mandates themselves, and not a virus.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Movie ing


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

555 = hahaha
in thai
as in... joke

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh wow. I also had the frequency illusion a few days ago. I learnt about globus sensation online a few days ago and after some days, I was feeling something stuck in my throat and I felt it was the globus sensation

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