30 days of gratitude- memories.

in idvuts •  2 years ago 

5th July 2022.


Memories are very important just like antiques. They are a reminder of what the past was like. Good memories are to be cherished like gold because at the end of the day that is all we have. Life is fleeing as the day goes by our time in this world draws closer to the end. Our life today will be tomorrow’s memory.


       -Memories With my family

I have found that I create the fondest memories when I am around my siblings especially my sister. She is the comic of the family always making funny gestures or telling us jokes. She cracks myself and my other brothers up all the time. I love her so much for that.

My dad- I like that he sees me as a man now so most times whenever we talk we always talk about grown-men stuff and that for me is a fond memory.


     -Memories with friends..

@Freedom007 and @Gaftekloriginal who are my closest friends and I have shared a lot of fond memories. I wouldn’t say all of them here because it might be awkward later and they would start teasing me with it but for real these are my gangs. There are times when we would read for exams like cra**zy or other times when we would go looking for food or ladies. I believe some of the struggles we went through in school was bearable because We had each other’s back. We created so many memories I can remember all of them but they are golden to me.

I have this memory in my head of a very close friend of mine. It was after exams that day, we were the last two people to leave the exams venue so the staff forced us to do some clean up. At first I was pissed as to why would we be the ones to suffer cleaning up after everyone else’s mess besides it was getting late and I lived off campus. We ended up doing the cleaning and when we were done we started playing so songs which uplifted our mood. To crown it all we met a group of people who were having a small get-together thingy. They offered us wine and cookies and we spent time socializing with pretty girls and all but what was very memorable was the fact that my friend (whose name is Ganiu) made me laugh so much that I forgot about the stress of the exams.

        - Memories with others

I remember seeing reign for the first time. This little furry person( I call him a person- we all know he is a dog). He was all over the place jumping up and down, so energetic and cute. That was when I understood what loving a dog meant.

My other memories include:- musical memories or deja vu moments or even that time I visited my village for the first time after 20 years. It was fun seeing my cousins and nephews for the first time. Having them look at me weird and asking me funny questions. Visiting places where my mum grew up. Seeing my grandmother and spending time in the community where my parents were raised. That for are memories I would never let go till I leave this earth.

So yeah those are my memories what are yours ? Tell me in the comment section.

This article first appeared on my read.cashand was written by me.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

The jumper✍️
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