18/08/2022 Today's afternoon walk record is 7.21 km

in iduvtsin •  2 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,
Hello Exhaust lovers friends.
Good afternoon,
How are you all I hope you are well and healthy Alhamdulillah I am also well and healthy today I will present to you today afternoon walking record which is the maximum walking distance of 45 minutes this week 7.21 km now you may ask how so much distance in such a short time Did you walk across? So guys let's see how I do my physical exercise by walking.

Friends I live in Malaysia and my classmates go out for afternoon walks with me at the same time and we compete to see who can walk the longest and test the strength. When walking we don't look too much towards the room, we only aim forward and towards our opponent. This is a common exercise technique that moves forward.

From our goal that is 30 times a minute to extend the thong forward. Therefore, it should be noted that if you walk by changing your gait once every two seconds, you can walk faster and cover more distance in a short time.

Physical exercise is very necessary to keep the body healthy, so we all need to do regular exercise to maintain our physical fitness. It is possible to exercise even sitting at home, just think about the need of time for your own health, so friends must do physical exercises to keep you healthy.

So friends till today I hope this exercise of mine will encourage you and benefit me too. May you all be well and stay healthy. I always hope that God blesses everyone with good health.

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