The Faith of a Mother : Happy mothering sunday

in iduvts •  3 years ago 

For few days now I have been engrossed with work too busy to call my mum.

Today is mothering Sunday, thought I should appreciate the woman who gave birth to me,my MOTHER.

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The role of mothers in a home, nation, community, etc cannot be overemphasized as there are even untold purpose of this wonderful people. Most people who have no mother wish they had one but to my surprise, some who have mothers do no even know their value. As shocking as it may seem to the ears, its just the truth.

A mother’s love cannot be influenced by cruel laws towards her children. Moses’ mother could not bear to think of her child murdered by the Egyptians. However, she knew she could not hide him long, and so she placed her son into God’s hands. As parents, we all must place our children into the Lord’s hands. In fact, we must place each of our loved ones in the protection of God. We cannot ensure that safety will always surround those whom we love. We cannot guarantee their success and protection. We can; however, trust in the Lord’s righteous provision. We can trust that God loves them even more than we do.

As Brenda Bradford Ottinger once wrote:

God has no grandchildren.” We are all His children, and His love carries each of us.

Moses’ mother and his sister acted in faith as well as love. They trusted that God would protect baby Moses even when they couldn’t. Trusting God isn’t always easy, especially when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of our children. I can’t imagine what agony flooded this mother’s heart as she left her baby to float on waters filled with danger and uncertainty. One of the things I love about God though is His deep love for us. He rewards our trust and faith. Moses could have been rescued and never seen again, but God blessed this faithful mother by allowing her to become Moses’ nurse. Perhaps more importantly, God set every detail in motion to ensure that Moses would not only survive but thrive.

Pharaoh’s daughter discovering Moses while he floated among the reeds was no coincidence. God knew that the deliverer of the His people needed to be both an Israelite and a well-trained warrior, educated in the leadership of a nation– something no Hebrew in captivity could have been. However, simply being found by the daughter of the Pharaoh would not ensure that Moses be fully adopted and incorporated into palace life. Here again, we see God’s handiwork in the details leading up to the adoption of Moses.

While most of the inscriptions and monuments honoring the woman who adopted Moses were destroyed by her stepson, Thutmose III, her tomb, and the life story written on its walls, was eventually discovered by archeologists. Her name was Hatshepsut, and she was a mere 12 years old when she recovered the crying baby who would one day lead his people to freedom. That was the year she was married to her half-brother. Later, having received no children from Hatshepsut, her half-brother would marry another who bears him a son. When this son is two, his father dies and Hatshepsut rules Egypt until her stepson is old enough to take her place. This stepson, and brother, is the one to whom Moses appears to request his people’s freedom.

Would Hatshepsut have saved the crying baby Hebrew if she had been older? Would Moses have been forgotten if she had other children to occupy her heart? Would he have gotten as extensive an education had any of the details of his adoptive mother’s life been different? We may miss the tiny details that shape our life and our opportunities, but when we look for the hand of God, we will see He has always been there.

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Two mothers loved their son, but neither of them loved him more than his God. When we feel helpless regarding our loved ones’ future, we just need to remember Moses. We need to remember that the God we trust for the care of the ones we love is more than qualified to take care of them. In fact, our love cannot even compare for His love towards them. God knows our children’s future, and even now, He prepares for what they need. We have faith, not because we have no other choice but because the One we have faith in has been proven faithful.

Happy mother's day to everyone @blurt.

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