We're all the object of His Love

in iduvts •  2 years ago 

Greetings fellow blurtans of this great community, welcome to my blog, I will sharing with you guys how we're all the object of God's love.


Let me take some reading from the book of (Proverbs 11 : 30) Says, "The fruit of righteousness is a tree 🌲 of life; and he that winneth soul is wise".

What God cares about the most in the earth is the soul of men. The Bible says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life". He loved the world of humans, not things; we're the object of His Love. Each one of us is more important to him than the planets and galaxies.

He's got angels that supervise the galaxies, and appointed over other matters. But the angels with most honorable job are the ones appointed over people, over souls for whom Jesus died. When you understand this as a Christian, especially as one who heads a cell or care group or fellowship in the local church, your premium Will be on people.

You might say, "I have only three people in my fellowship!" But as small as that number might seem, you're more important to God than the one who's put in charge of the environment and all the infrastructure in any particular planet or continent. A cell leader in the house 🏠 of God has more value in God's book of honours than one who's not born again but might be politically in charge of a whole nation.

Read the words of Jesus in the book of (Mark 8 : 36 - 37) says," For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?." This means the whole world-all of the cosmos-doesn't compare to the value of one's soul. The value of a soul is the blood of Jesus.

If you were the only person on the face of the earth, Jesus would have still come to die for you. He didn't come because we were many; He came because we were valuable to God. That's why God isn't willing that anyone should perish.

If anyone goes to hell, it's because God wanted him or her to go to hell; He's done everything to stop men from men from going to hell, and He'll everything go stop them. The only thing is, He can't decide for you, because He gave you a very important gift: the ability to make decisions; the right to choose. And in His love, He went ahead to tell you what to choose: life in Christ. Read 1 John 5 : 11.

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