in iduvts •  last year 

Greetings to this great community, welcome to my world (blog). I'm happy to be part of this wonderful platform despite my peanut votes, it's still better than those that don't have even have the opportunity.


Let me take some reading from the book of (Philippians 2:5) "Let this mind be in you which was also in christ Jesus".

In the verse, God commands us to have the same mindset that Jesus had, as we relate with each other. The mindset of Jesus was given to us in verse 6, which says "who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God 🙏.

When God became Man, he chose to be born in a barn, rather than in Caesar's palace! This mindset of humility is what God ask us today. Humility begins when we realize that our self serving mindset can be changed. The Lord 🙏 clearly instructs us to follow the steps of Christ no matter where we come from he wants the humble mindset to be in you, so you will think 🤔 as he did. The mind of Christ is not a self centered mind, It is not a stubborn mind. It is a mind of surrender, it is a mind of submission. Christ was submissive to the will of God the Father. He was submissive not just when he felt like it, or agreed with it, or found it easy to go along with.

Why is God concerned about our mindset? The way we think 🤔 determines our attitude in life, which in turn determines how high we will climb or how deep we will fall. Your mind can be your greatest asset, or your worst enemy, God 🙏 wants you to strategically position your mind for success. A mindset of humility is an asset. Pride is a liability, a forgiving spirit is an asset too. A mindset of strife and anger is a big liability. allow the word of God to frame your mindset, and position you for all around success in life.

Thanks for your time 🤝🤝

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  ·  last year  ·  

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