Good morning all.
Hi all Blurt friends, how are you guys today. I hope you're okay. On this occasion I want to share some photos of mushrooms with all of you and will discuss about fungi that are commonly used as traditional medicine methods. Agaricus Mushroom (Agaricus subrufescens) is a type of mushroom that usually grows in the plains of Brazil and is cultivated in Japan for medical purposes.
Don't let these pinky-brown gills fool you, while these mushrooms may look like the field mushrooms you bought from the supermarket! They look very similar because they are in the same genus, but there are some important differences to be aware of before trying to make a living. The first was a death gift to me, before I even took a closer look.
Unopened young mushrooms are often boxy rather than the classic dome shape. Second give them a little scratch and wait a bit. If they are bright yellow stains where they are damaged, then they are what we call "yellow strainers", the Agaricus sect. Xanthodermatei. It's usually recommended to scratch the base of the stem, but I found the cap very easy to smudge as well as many of the ones I photographed didn't really show any smudges as I took photos while I was working and was in a bit of a hurry.
In the end I went back to the parking lot where they were and did a scratch test to confirm my suspicions, and they made a yellow stain if by any chance these dopplegangers make it to your plate they will turn even more yellow. Field mushrooms are not one of the mushrooms I try to forage for, as I rarely get them before the insects do. I can buy one that is guaranteed to be bug free and toxin free pretty cheaply at the supermarket.
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