Almost laughable

in idiots •  2 years ago 

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
– Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

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"""Almost laughable"""

Watching so called adults getting hurt from words, you make me want to vomit, if you are such a fickle soul, tekraze included, grow up you man child.

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me, I grew up with that, try it you precious little cup cake faggot.

If we are all to be forever offended, fuck off, let me offend thee.

Faggots and peas are nice, named grorty dick in my neck of the woods.

Being offended is a "choice".....

Not an option, I can get offended if I so choose to be, by a picture of anything, I choose not, as I am an adult, immature pricks, can be, note a prick.

The world is going full on "you cannot say that" and blurt doing the same in no way helps, I said the jabs kill, the UK gov just admitted it, I did not stand to gain, I wanted everyone to live, as I like life, try it tech team, or is it a foundation? Who knows, not them.

Keep voting for your puppets and hoping it works out

Lesson 101

Have a superb day, rewards declined, no votes please, thank you.

I am offended, it seems to be a fashion thang!!!!!!!

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Community Standards

sounds like fakebook, do they have "apology posts"?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bro come on over to Lublin for a bbq or nice day out, fuck em, they doomed this place with woke bullshit and easily offended, no time for it or them. You can ride one 0f my bikes too, no problem

Which account was restricted? FB? I give up on it. Only use it for messenger to keep in touch with me moronic friends and fam who don't understand blockchain. Hell I don't understand blockchain. Remember those masks they tried to make us wear for 2 years? They seem to be trying to make us wear virtual gags now. Just like the masks tho we all need to refuse to comply obviously.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep they just gave me a 7 day ban for saying hang politicians lol.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They can stick the masks up their own arse, not fucking interested, I do 170 mph with no worries, fuck masks, masks are for the morons who can not think from the neck up, fuck em. And their idiot politicians they chose.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh, ive been missing you, was wondering today where you've been. . . . X

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Miss4d ya more, now book a room, been making things, expecting things, building things, tis what it is, looking forward to things, till the man says no more, all good fun, live once, love it till the end. :-)


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Who are you planning to shoot with them guns???
Is that meant to be a threat?!?!?!?

Have i offended you so much????

Im gonna look for a bodyguard asap. . . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The guns are for the Russian child soldiers if they come on over :-) Only 30 miles away, fuck em. I would never slap a lady let alone shoot one, unless she was in a uniform, and wanted to shoot me, is that you miss dominatrix? P.S. you were supposed to be looking at my bike build, you dirty gun perv.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LoL, i was looking at the bike!!!. . . .hence why i zoomed in and found the guns. . .
Thought it was a hidden message. . .

Me in a uniform? Not necesserily my thing, but could do . . . (Just for you 😉)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh stop it, you minx, now you are getting me horny again. Do you know who I am according to the blurt foundation that does exist but does not?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


According to them? Well, Im pretty sure it has something to do with c u next tuesday. . . But apart from that, i havent heard a thing . . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Are you coming to give me birthday sex, I like that lol, it is ace, do I have to lick a window now, because everyone knows better than me, and they are stupid, so I is real simple, innit.
So do we do whips? chains? or just bend over?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My sister is coming over soon, and her daughter, and her granddaughter, I feel responsible for them, hence the guns, I have a gun in each car, at my door, under my pillow, just the way it is with war pigs 30 mins away that morons vote for. I take my responsibilities serious.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well, its good to be prepared. . .and sounds like your masculine energies are switched right on. . .

If i ever need protection i now know who to call. . .(i wouldnt know how to fire the gun)