Debunking IBOR piece by piece part 1

in ibor •  3 years ago 

What a frivolous, currupt piece of work.

Thank you @newparadigmtt for laying out the entire Internet Bill Of Rights on the blockchain for all to see the US CON|gress come up with yet another scheme to take away our rights to internet freedom.

Laying down the fundamentals

Never trust any magic parchment paper of any kind meant for statists. For the rest of us, recognizing their silly rituals and sly parchments may be a life or death scenario. Be vigilant.

Were dealing with evil Anarquists who also practice sick perverted rituals and whos acts have caused endless wars for many centuries. They have control of all the "governments" around the world, for they have them by balls (lets not forget that). These evil men use their henchman and trick them even, to protect them from their security problems (us), from rising up and breaking down their reign.

I will break down all the stupid legal jargon to the best of my ability. Getting right down the very basics. The grounds of it all. The root requirement for this to be legitimate, is none other than the need to have "authority".

Authority can be defined as such:

"The RIGHT to rule over another living person who is naturally born on this earth"

btw i do not use the legal language. I speak so any layman may understand

To understand authority here you must come to agree a fact about your right to rule over another human being.

You do not have it.

Noone does

Never has anyone the right to own a slave. And that is what "authority" is.
"AN authority" is to refer to those who believe themselves to have it.

It must be believed because there is no evidence that such a thing exists. Please don't start searching for it now you'll only make yourself look silly. Instead use logic and reason.

This will help if we equate this to a single number and use math as its foundation.

Math is embedded into the universe. Math is never invented but discovered. So an equation, once proven to be true and correct, we can determine for ourselves what nature is speaking to us to be fact and the truth. Just as 1+1=2 and not equal to 3. So too is 0+0=0. Pur emotions, our beliefs do not make the equations result any different by any stretching of the imagination. 2+2=4 no matter how hard one wants to believe it equals 5. If this is you, please click the x at the top right of your screen, and do not even reply to this comment or anything. Seriously just leave us the fuck alone.


Equating Authority to a number is simple.

Since no one wants to be a slave, since we are all born equal, since none have the right to rule as a master over anyone, we can equate "authority" to be ZERO.

However isn't so bizarre that when it comes to those who call themselves "government" or "an authority" of government, they have this strange belief that math just doesn't effect them. How wrong they are... No matter what they believe, ignoring what they say about their "jurisdiction" over you because it is illegitimate anyways, because it requires "faith" to be accepted, we can see they have none if we just apply some simple math.

ZERO authority plus ZERO authority equals what everyone?


What do we get when we have nothing added to nothing?

If your having trouble understanding the concept of zero please watch this video below.

Now that we have that cleared up. Note that "authority" is not taken away from anyone ever because of the very fact there was nothing to take away in the first place. It simply cannot ever happen just as much as no one can give someone something the do not have.

If you are still in belief that you do have authority or that "an authorities" jurisdiction is legitimate, please take a nap after your suckle of milk from the breast and come back later when your more grown up.

Now that we have that covered we can then start to recognize that any legal parchment and CON|tract is illegitimate. Period. No discussion. Logic and reason just simply will not let it happen and truth will definitely not let it happen, much less your stupid dogmatic beliefs that zero when added with another zero somehow makes it more than zero. How is that even possible? Does your brain even function? How are you still breathing? No answer huh? Geeze idk whether to kill a zombie out of pity or just leave them alone.


Image Source:

But even zombies have rights. Meantime they are not trying to eat my brains directly.

Only statists zombies believes zero plus zero equals one (0+0=1) and possible some children who never took a math lessons. (Please watch the video above if this is you or go get your binky or bottle of milk and take a nap)

Of course you're more than welcome to try to disprove this logic but your just going to be put on the spotlight for what you are afterwards.


Image Source

Understanding the legal terminology of IBOR for the common layman part 1

This is going to have to be broken down on so many levels to truly grasp. I don't know if I have the energy to break it all down today as there are many points to go back and forth on.

In the IBOR it has mentioned the use of implented the CON|stitution of/for the united snakes of America.

So to understand the power behind this document as was discussed at the beginning of this post, let us look into the powerhouse of the CONstitution.

Also remember this quote from the IBOR because we are coming back to it later.

blah blah blah Law Enforcement and Government Entities may help protect the Citizens of the United States, but the People shall have blah blah blah.

It recognizes that "Citizens" and "People" as in "We the People" are two different class of people. And this is further illustrated in the CONstitution. (No i am not going to write CONstitution any other way. Because that is what it is. A CON)

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Here I want to highlight a few things.

The latter quote above is from the preamble of the constitution. It is the powerhouse. The mitochondria to the cell per-say. It dict|ates exactly who has the highest status right from the beginning and who does not. It dictates clearly, that there IS a hierarchy and there is no mention of "Citizens" being involved here. "Citizens " right from the beginning are being excluded from having any power whatsoever.

Just who then exactly, is this "We"?

If you believe "We" implies to yourself then why do you keep identifying as a "citizen"?

Stop it.

That is not the case at all. In the "CONstitution" YOU and I are not "We" by any stretch of the imagination.

Also in the first sentence it mentions "the United States".

Looking back at history during the time of this "doc|u|ments" creation, in the early 18th century, The "United States" as a "Country" did not even exist. It is also important to know what a country is.

So here are two paragraphs in three screenshots from "Larken Rose's book "The Most Dangerous Superstition" page 15 -16




Countries are nothing more than plantation field for slaves. It "Name" is nothing less than a means to make a corporation out of it. A business. A business to harvest slaves through the legislative branches of "government" and to keep those slaves in check, the executive branch is thus created for that purpose. We will get into that a different day.

So then if you and I are not "we the people", who are we then in this parchment?

That is simple. Your neither we the people nor the citizen but a Sovereign individual. NOT because any document may say so or someone says so it is, but because through ñogic and reason and inclining oneself to truth and the natural way of things, that is what we are, so long as you choose to keep it that way. Otherwise your just a slave if your not.

And before you go off running to find what a "Sovereign" is under a dictionary, let me add this here.


Source: Should you be a Citizen? By Eric WhoRU Williams

It was thanks to Eric that I am not doing life behind bars right now. It is thanks to him that I am not being imprisoned in some mental institution just for questioning their authority in "Court". So I feel it a moral mandatory duty to point out the flaws of IBOR.

The reason for mentioning the above is because every dictionary describing what a Sovereign is mentions a fictional reality in the mix by adding statist beliefs into it, ladled with "Rat Poison".

Rat Poison: "Legal" terminology. Legalese. Legal-speak. Example of rat poison: the word "Sovereign-Citizen". It is an oxymoronic term for each term means exactly the opposite of the other. One says you are a free man, a ruler over your own self, while the other implies your a slave. You cannot be one and other at the same time. This is also a double-speak as George Orwell clearly illustrated in his book "1984".

But even the term "Sovereign" is widely misunderstood. And usually it is believe that only kings, queens and nobles have "Sovereignty". And for such ludicrous fantasy, these definitions even go about to say that Sovereignty is the right to rule over another. And that is simply not a fact at all. That is what "authority" is. Which no one has.

If you still think that is not true, your baby milk is almost ready.

I simply just do not fully trust the definitions in any dictionary for the simple fact overall that statists make them. It can be stilñ used today, that is fine, but be vigilant and speculative when doing so. Not all defin|it-ions in dict-ion-aries are going to be correct.

Moving on.

"WE", in the CON|stitut-ion refers to a small group of people. It is an exclusionary term for it sets apart the rest of the world.

We are not "We" in "We the People". "THEY" were not including all of us but themselves and their future seeds. No need to argue this, because we all know ehat they call us all. That defiling demoralizing title, "CITIZEN".

Law Enforcement and Government Entities may help protect the Citizens of the United States, but the People shall have

Who are the citizens? Who are the People? The henchman?

Don't let that be you!

Now pay up and shut up!

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An incredibly powerful piece. Thank you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I couldn't keep it in anymore. It was an inevitable fart and everyone will smell it damnit.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry to have missed THIS 👏
I would have definitely Re🤬eD!

Luckily we have ways around that though 😎

[BLOCK Links] Frank Bacon - Superstitious Superstar!


Highest Regards 🥓

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

You assume too much my friend. You remind me octave gaps like recognizing on first date the girl is so far off lol

US constitution is gone and with the fiction just as your congress and your Office of the White House Inc. Can we move on now?

We all are with [in]dividual Sovereignty, so no external authority is legitimate by default of course. Nonetheless you can communicate with mathematical precision and navigate your smart contractual space just as such-a-Sovereign. You see the Quantum Venue coming ? lol👍😎

How far do you think we are in the peaceful transition? Lol You don’t cut through world stability by breaking the judicial system overnight!? Come on! Let’s strategize lowering collateral damage shall we. You stuck
in Socio Engineering 101?. We are at the Cosmic level classes here calm down.

You expose IBOR concepts before building quantum-language-contracts-on-web3.0 for all to join-by-their-own-freewill-volition-authority. No external authority will force you to joinder with IBOR compliant user-interfaces, all will choose it with their own authority, blockchain key, like this is the new thing Lol.🤬. For we are with Sovereignty.

Please don’t waste your energy debunking critical thinking.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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