The BEST, The BEAST, and The BOOST...

in ibor •  2 years ago 

Dune, Sonic Weapons & Quantum Entanglement

To understand QE it's probably best to understand Flowstate and Extreme Sports involvement in this movement back in the late 90's.

Back in the 1990's I worked at Hughes Aircraft in Carlsbad and used to skateboard in empty pools on the weekends with both the Tony Alva "Black Leather Jacket" bad boy Crew and the Tony Hawk "Neon Shirt" Apple Pie/America/Christian Crew...

As you can imagine, I saw it ALL~! And my interactions with all these amazing athletes and personalities led me to experiencing: The BEST, The BEAST, and The BOOST... And there, I found, Flowstate & QE

The Rise of Superman Official Trailer

Flowstate - Rise of Superman - Extreme Athletes who 'Meditate' while performing

How To Get Into The Flow State | Steven Kotler

Flowstate Fundamentals

Welcome to The #Quickening

Once you have a handle on 'Flowstate' now let's look at the fundamentals of 'QE' Quantum Entanglement.

Michael Clarage: The Light of Life | Thunderbolts

Thunderbolts Project 198K subscribers

Life emits light. There is even proof our eyes emit light. To a physicist this is possible since all receivers are also transmitters—a radio antenna can send or receive the same signal. The rhodopsin molecules in the retinal cells absorb and emit the same visible light.

Michael Clarage, PhD, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of SAFIRE, explains how we could not have organic life without cells, chemicals, light, electricity, or the ecosystems of the Earth and Sun—all levels of the hierarchy communicate and exchange energy.

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#GetWithTheProject STRANGE FIRES (Lyric Video) by Hypnova featuring LAB

Added to Quantum Party Youtube Playlist: Quantum Party Music that is made 'Public' so anyone can add songs to the Playlist, Check it out -->

#GetWithTheProject Q-Therapy: In The Wild (Canyon Lake)

Added to Quantum Party Youtube Playlist: Quantum Party Music that is made 'Public' so anyone can add songs to the Playlist, Check it out -->

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