Power From Space~! But is it Safe...? What about SCPF?

in ibor •  2 years ago 

Well if the Financial Times thinks it's a good IDEA It's got to be good, Right?

Space launch costs are dropping rapidly. Solar panels are cheaper than ever. Could space-based solar power soon be price-competitive with nuclear?


Promoted as a zero-carbon solution, classified military space planes have also been conducting experiments into wireless power transmission.

Then we have Texzon Zenneck Wave Wireless Power Transmission - Bouncing Waves Around the Planet...

As reported by Who Does What TV back in 2018: Texzon/Viziv and their Bahrain representatives Nupower Development are just blazing forward without regard.

Both of these technologies have obvious military applications and therefore the MSM will tell you all about it... Just don't ask them about The SAFIRE Project 'SCPF' Self Contained Plasma Fusion reactor~!

And there lies the RUB

SAFIRE is not a military backed project but it is Citizen Scientist funded endeavor made possible by the Thunderbolts Project in a noble effort to prove the mechanics of the Electric Universe Theory in a lab here on earth while sharing their results in an Annual presentation with fellow citizen scientist members.

SAFIRE Project made their announcement SEPT 2, 2019


Will Trump Take Credit for the SAFIRE Project Discovery of 'SCPF' Self Contained Plasma Fusion? https://blurt.blog/ibor/@cleanenergygarro/will-trump-take-credit-for-the-safire-project-discovery-of-scpf-self-contained-plasma-fusion #ibor

Here is another new Breakthrough Technology 💡 that is being censored by the Mainstream Media... Earth Engine is 'Currently' the world's most efficient energy source.

Earth Engine Model 30 Demonstration ⚡ https://www.bitchute.com/video/q0DtpYQxsoaN/

APT4U | 'THE' Magnetic Micro Grid Earth Engine

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