Truth Or Bust with Michael Mullens coordinated an interesting conference call the other night with Jeremy from Circada3301 and Frank Bacon.
I did not recall at the time that I had actually been on an almost identical conference call with Frank back in 2018 when he prompted me to take my first steps onto the Blockchain with Steemit. Which I did, and thank him for it to this day. (see links below)
I thought about calling this 1st post on Blurt: 6 Degrees of Frank Bacon - And how I went from working at a company training FSS Family Self Sufficiency in 2013 to CSS Crypto Self Sufficiency in 2018, and now to QSS Quantum Self Sufficiency in 2022... Long story short, Frank has helped thousands of people to see the potential opportunity in transitioning out of the rat race and into the crypto space.
I agree with Frank, Blurt can be a valuable asset we can all use to help drive UNITY forward together while also helping ourselves become first FSS, then CSS and finally QSS... TOGETHER.
This is just my 1st of many posts, so I will keep it short and look forward to the next one already~! ;-)
*Much of my music makes reference to 'Rehab' this is a term Skateboarders use meaning time spent physically healing from continuous injuries sustained in skateboarding, at the time I was recovering from a broken Back, Neck & Hand... but that was from a Motorcycle wreck so don't Blame Skateboards~! ;-)
Back in the early 90's I helped build the infamous Blockhead Ramp in Bonsall, CA and Tony Hawk used to come over and skate our ramp & we would go skate his ramp in Fallbrook, CA as seen in the HBO Documentary #TonyHawkHBO Tony Hawk: Until the Wheels Fall Off | Official Trailer | HBO
I still remember asking Tony to do a trick at the Blockhead Ramp that I had never seen anyone do before... after thinking about it for 30 minutes... Tony did the trick 1st try~! It was the start of a great friendship and led to me living in a couple of Tony's houses back in the 90's along with roommate's Joe Johnson & Ray Underhill RIP.
Basic Pool Session circa 1994 Skaters in order of Appearance: Buddy Carr, Mad Dog Mike, Garro, Brian Patch, Chuck Hultz, Dave Ruel, Christian Hosoi, Dave Duncan, Tyrona the Pitt Bull~!
Skateboarding and the level of 'tricks' being performed today by Extreme sports athletes worldwide have Advanced exponentially since the practice of Flow State Meditation came into common practice in the 90's and early 2000's. The 1st time I ever experienced 100% "Flow State "for a sustained duration was back in the early 90's doing a frontside ollie about 1 foot out of the Blockhead ramp hip and got the full slow down of time while in midair and having all the time in the world to position the board for re-entry & landing... The feeling of pure 'Perfection'.
The Rise of Superman Official Trailer
Flowstate - Rise of Superman - Extreme Athletes who 'Meditate' while performing
#NowPlaying cleanenergygarro (39)in #dubstep • 4 years ago 3/13/2018
Rehab 1
Release date:
6 Feb 2018 Genre: #Dubstep #EDM #Bass #Trap #Electronic #Melodic Dubstep
Electroquake | From Crazy Idea to Settled Science cleanenergygarro (39)in #earthquakes • 4 years ago Earthquake simulation videos provided by SDSU, GNS, and the USGS.
Dirty Snowballs Falsified – NASA Fails to Notice | Space News cleanenergygarro (39)in #comets • 4 years ago
Rosetta Could Change Science Forever | Space News cleanenergygarro (39)in #space • 4 years ago
Welcome on Blurt dear friend! Awesome experience you got there! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much for all your help and gentle 'Quantum Nudges'
#Ibor is for Everyone & Everything~! 🖖
I got to hang out with Tim Ferris like 25 years ago!
Kotler lives up the street but won't hang out...
Says that my Kundalini work is a little too "Fringe" for his taste 😐
I'm just tryna pick up a Quad or TriQ nowadays 🤬🥓
Kotler's book was such a huge relief for me to know I was not alone in the QE Universe~!
I do Motorcycle Tai Chi for exercise mostly these days... I still skateboard, but I need to get into better shape to get back into empty pool skating... perhaps by summer~!
Garro — 🤬
THIS goes here!
You are the Dojo Bruv!
Live Long & Prosper 🖖
Too Much Pressure
I triple dawg dare you to talk with Mullens
As the Baron would say.
I might be too radioactive for prime time~!
SOUTH PARK Nobody Is Ruining This Event Season 13 E 1 • 03/11/2009 The Jonas Brothers 3D Concert spectacular doesn't go as Mr. Mouse planned.

I called a dronestike for biden 😬
Top THAT if you can ⛏️🗝️
We shall see... Every time I mention SAFIRE people seem to leave the room...
CLIMATE FORCING still missing from ALL Climate Models | Our Future is Cold