Huma Abedin - The Black Widow of Sleeper Cells - Entheos

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Huma Abedin - The Black Widow of Sleeper Cells
42,132 views Jun 18, 2020
Enthéos Shines
20K subscribers

The release of this video will be important for future events

Watch Obama/HA meetings (not HRC/HA) + Future Unlikely Relationships (What did HRC complain about in regards to her mentor Saul Alinski's strategy? He said "do it from outside in." Did future FIRST LADY HRC say the opposite? Remember what we told you in 2016 during the DNC convention? Bill and Hillary stayed at separate hotels on opposite sides of Philadelphia (nobody else reported but MSN knew). Weiner was a catch? Now think about what you just read and FOLLOW HUMA's disappearance and future reemergence in 2023+. Unseen spoiler? Revisit the movie FEAR. Some will SAY ANYTHING to achieve an end. Breakfast with Hunter in room #1408? Who is everywhere? Movie about revisiting past girlfriends. IDENTITY a true story or a nightmare. What is a political GRIFTER? Every breath you take. What are soul ties? What are demonic soul ties? Blood rituals. Preta big mad.


Shinedown - Her Name is Alice Scotty mar10 Published September 7, 2022

Note; 911 had many factions involved. Many directions. Don't focus on just one.

Special thanks to the folks over at PJ Media, ___ and WH Anonymous

  1. Huma Abedin’s mother, Dr. Saleha S. Mahmood Abedin (hereafter, Saleha Abedin), is an influential member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s division for women, the Muslim Sisterhood. She is also a zealous advocate of sharia law’s oppression of women

  2. Not only that: Saleha Abedin is a board member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief. The IICDR has been long banned in Israel for supporting Hamas. It is also part of the Union for Good, which is a formally designated international terrorist organization under federal law. The Union for Good is led by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the chief sharia jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is the world’s most influential Islamic cleric, and has issued fatwas endorsing suicide bombings against Israel and terrorist attacks against American forces in Iraq.

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  1. Moreover, it turns out that Huma Abedin herself was, until late 2008, a member of another of her mother’s Islamist organizations, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs.

The Center for Security Policy has reviewed past mastheads of the IMMA’s journal. Huma Abedin is listed as an assistant editor (to her mother, the editor-in-chief) as far back as 1996, the year she began interning at the Clinton White House. The IMMA was started in Saudi Arabia in the 1970s by Huma Abedin’s parents, with the backing of Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef is a former secretary-general of the Muslim World League, which, as I’ve previously explained, has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology.

Under the auspices of the MWL, Naseef not only backed the IMMA, he founded the Rabita Trust, which — like the Union for Good — is a specially designated international terrorist organization under federal law.

  1. Furthermore, Huma Abedin’s brother, Hassan Abedin, besides also being part of the IMMA, was a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies. On the board at the Oxford Center when Hassan Abedin was a fellow were the aforementioned Brotherhood heavyweights and terror promoters, Sheikh Qaradawi and Abdullah Omar Naseef.

In a nutshell, shortly after Huma Abedin was born in 1976, the Abedin family moved from Kalamazoo, Michigan, to Saudi Arabia, a country governed by sharia and thus one of the world’s most repressive places, particularly for women. The family’s move was encouraged by Naseef, who would soon be secretary-general of the Muslim World League. Naseef had been dean at the King Abdul Aziz University when Dr. Zyed Abedin (Huma’s father) taught there as a visiting professor in the early 1970s. At Naseef’s urging, the aforementioned Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs was formed as an Islamist academic institution, with Zyed Abedin as editor-in-chief of its journal.

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As Shoebat relates, the IMMA was operated under the management of one of the MWL’s most significant organizations, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth. I discussed WAMY in The Grand Jihad. Its principal role is the indoctrination of young Muslims in supremacist ideology. As outlined in one of its pamphlets, Islamic Views, it aims to “teach our children to love taking revenge on the Jews and the oppressors, and teach them that our youngsters will liberate Palestine and al-Quds [i.e., Jerusalem] when they go back to Islam and make Jihad for the sake of Allah.” As Matthew Levitt extensively details in Hamas: Politics, Charity and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad, WAMY has been a financial supporter of Hamas and al-Qaeda.

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