RE: These are the RULES of FIGHT CLUB - Dojo Graduation Step 1

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These are the RULES of FIGHT CLUB - Dojo Graduation Step 1

in ibor •  2 years ago
Peaceful Solution, Willie Nelson Bobby Pizazz

September 10, 2007
A Peaceful Solution Bobby Pizazz Video
Posted by: Liz in Arts, Peace

Bobby Pizazz gives us a video with a powerful message.
This message, heard by a few, believed by fewer and
put into practice by fewer still, needs repeating.

This video starts and ends with Martin Luther King
affirming the equality of all people and recognizing
its codification in the laws upon which the United
States of America became established.

By standing united We the People manifested the United
States of America. Every challenge successfully met,
We the People met united.

Division produces catastrophe.

Those who wish to make much of superficial divisions
work against our success. Those who emphasize our
differences work for another catastrophe.

Powerful cultural, social, economic, political and
religious forces have divided families, neighborhoods,
communities, counties, states and the nation.

These same forces have kept nations apart.

Despite this history the idea of unity in peace has
been able to survive. The idea of unity in peace
survived regardless of the persecutions visited upon
those who promoted it. The forces of divisions have
been able to keep the idea of unity in peace in the
realm of ideas.

The time has come to manifest the idea of unity in

The great leaders of history all became known as great
unifiers. Those who lead people past petty differences
to achieve a greater whole become legendary. The
spiritual and political leaders who embraced peace for
all gain status as great leaders.

Perhaps We the People await another leader speaking of
unity in peace. Perhaps We the People will not permit
another leader speaking of unity in peace to become

But if We the People do not recognize the necessity
for unity in peace We the People will fail great
leadership again and again.

It really comes down to each of us, individually, to
act upon the idea of unity in peace and make the idea
manifest in the world.

It really comes down to each of us, individually, to
see past petty differences before We the People will
stop martyring great leaders and stop followings petty

How will we know this time has come?

When a multitude of voices rise up and sing the song
of peace, insisting upon a peaceful resolution, the
time will have arrived.

Bobby Pizazz has added his voice. Bobby Pizazz has
sung A Peaceful Solution once, and then he sang A
Peaceful Solution twice and now he sings it yet again
in a video.

When will you stand up and sing a song of peace in
unity with the rest of us asking for unity in peace?

          • Artist’s Statement * * * * *

Bobby Pizazz is all about “Humanity Awakens with
Unconditional Love”


“After one has discovered what he is called for, he
should set out to do it with all of the power that he
has in his system. Do it as if God almighty ordained
you at this particular moment in history to do it.”

There is a new peace evolution in America with a new
sense of equality, restoring purpose, destiny,
dignity, truth and justice, back into the heart of

There is A Peaceful Solution to the stories of
millions who are tired of injustice and oppression,
who are tired of vendors of miss-information, tired of
leaders who serve special interest.. and not The God
of the Universe.

The God of the Universe is No respecter of persons, He
set up all the Laws that govern this planet and the
Universe. Not any government, religion, or
organization or corporation, has the right to enslave
populations by their policies of miss-information,
distortions, fabrications, and lies.

Each and every person on this planet is entitled to
and deserves to use the Laws of the Universe. Each and
every person is entitled to apply the Law of
Attraction, the Law of Believing, the Law of Love, the
Law of Prosperity, any Man, Women, or Child, who is
born onto this Globe, deserves and is entitled by the
God of the Universe to be treated Equal. We all wipe
our ass the same.

There is a growing concern for the well being of all
peoples of this planet. Here in the United States of
America there are people in every state that are
willing to stand for peace and expose those who cause
the unrest.

Injustice is crushed by learning and applying the Laws
of the Universe, the God of the Universe stands with
all those who operate His Love and Laws. All men are
created equal, yet millions are enslaved by the greed
of the few.

It is of historical necessity, for all Americans, and
all people of this planet, to come together and to
stand up for human rights, for the rights of mankind,
for the safety and well being of their families, and
for the well being of this planet that we all live on.

We are all connected, no matter what you standing,
status, or state. All nations of this world operate
under the same universal laws. We breathe the same

Here in the USA, Americans are still allowed to stand
up for the Bill of Rights and for our Constitution. We
are allowed to assemble in a Peaceful manner and rally
and express our concerns for Peace, without the threat
of life or limb. Yet even these rights are threatened,
free speech to journalist is censored, two different
nightly news feeds one sent to east cost another sent
to west cost.

The vendors of miss-information are hard at work to
hide the truth, to deceive, and miss-lead the masses,
by telling the lie over and over and over, until it is
accepted as their truth. They have broken the Laws of
the Universe and alien the profits with greed, and
through their blind driven greed, have ignored the God
of the Universe without giving any thought to
understanding the Law of Cause and Effect. There is A
Peaceful Solution, and a New Evolution for Peace, that
saves America.

Let’s take back America.

In 1984, Pizazz and his family moved to Nashville, was
in the movie Sweet Dreams as an extra, cut his first
record with Kitty Wells grandson, drummer Johnnie
Sturdvant & John Rich in late 1985 “Lost Lonely Feelin

He joined Hoffman & Lamb as a writer and cut many
songs in 1987-1988 and worked behind the scenes on
Voice of America LP dedicated to Veterans, featuring
many of Nashville’s A-Team session players, Marc
OConnor, Bella Fleck, Eddie Bayers.

He was introduced to Scotty Turner in the late part

  1. Began shaping his vocals and image, and was
    asked in 1991 to perform on TNN’s American Magazine TV
    program by Reidland Productions.

Soon after the last airing in May 1991, his career
came to an abrupt stop when a back stage mishap left
him with a broken neck.

Now 15 years later in 2006 he began to perform live
shows again and is currently recording a new CD with
the help of some old friends.

While he never scored any chart successes, and very
little radio airplay in the states, his music has
proved to be influential with other musicians.
Currently working once again, with Producer Scotty

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I was super stoked to see you in the Dojo's yesterday Bobby. Let me know if you have any questions... since I'm sure we are overlooking umpteen details that make it tricky for newcomers to Turntable.FM

481357_371419049621592_682377846_n (2018_07_29 00_30_23 UTC) (2021_12_27 00_05_34 UTC).jpg

Today is Dread Ilk Day~! OG MegaOK will be building his copy of the Dread Ilk Dojo with help from Rougue1, so if you want to jump in and learn how to build your own Dojo's by just 'Click & Drag' on your phone, then come visit~! Dread Ilk Dojo

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hi @bobbypizazz Good timing...? Premier in progress now... (Low Res. High Res available in a few hours)

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