Self Improvement Starts With Dumping Your Inner Hypocrisy!

in hypocrisy •  4 years ago 

Self Improvement Starts With Dumping Your Inner Hypocrisy! Do you know what it means?

If you are like most people, self-improvement is something that you do naturally, even if it is something you don't want to do or think about. It is something that you do by focusing on the good things about yourself. But if you were honest with yourself, what you would discover is that there is so much more to you than that.

So what happens is you start focusing only on your flaws and shortcomings. You become obsessed with them. Instead of seeing yourself as a whole person, you see yourself as a problem. Or worse, the very worst possible version of yourself!

Why would this be the case? Well, the reason why I say it is because you are constantly told all the time by others that you should feel better, do this or that, stop doing that etc. but if you truly believed these things for yourself, you would have changed them. You would be a completely different person. You are not.

If you want to be successful at improving yourself, you need to drop your inner hypocrisy and accept that you are who you are. Stop obsessing over what you think other people think about you or what they say about you.

When you finally admit to yourself that you are what you are, you will be able to focus on your self improvement. You will also be able to be happy with what you have accomplished. This is where self improvement starts! You are not an exception, you have flaws and shortcomings just like everyone else. You can do it too!

So how do you start focusing on yourself, instead of focusing on what everyone else thinks about your self-improvement? It is simple. Just accept who you are and what you have done to make yourself what you are today. Stop focusing on what you have done wrong, focus on what you have done right.

Now do this every day, it sounds too easy but you need to do it. Do not allow yourself to wallow in misery. But rather start focusing on what you are doing right, on your successes and achievements. and then you will be amazed at how quickly you start to notice improvements in yourself and your life.

In conclusion, self-improvement starts with dumping your inner hypocrisy!' You are who you are, and you need to embrace who you really are!

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