Really Funny It Hurts Your Wallet Salary Meme

in humor •  4 years ago 



This meme is common to many people in different countries.

In my case, I am from #Venezuela, that implies that I am in a country where we have been in recession for 7 years, like about 5 with the record of being the most miserable economy in the world, 6 years of having the worst index of transparency of porcesses administrative offices in the world, 5 years of having the strongest and longest hyperinflation in the world today.

And that's the good news ... because we were an oil-producing and exporting country and nowadays we don't produce enough oil or its derivatives, not even to satisfy the internal consumption of gasoline, furthermore, as we have about 4 years in arrears of payment of international debts, there is no way for an international organization to lend us money to balance the accounts.

Add to that the express desire of a political caste determined to remain in power no matter how many people die of hunger, at the hands of disorganized crime or at the hands of the repressive, military and police forces of the state (which according to the registry of the Rights Humans of the UN are responsible for something like 70% of homicides, murders and executions of Venezuelan citizens)

So, as a psychological defense mechanism and to avoid indulging in suicidal ideas, we look for things that make us laugh and allow us to stay alive to fight another day, one more hour, even one more minute ... clinging to the hope that a disaster like this cannot last forever.

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