Funny Is Relative.

in humor •  2 years ago 

This is another week for DCC's contest and I am glad to join in again. If you want to be a part of it, kindly read this to keep you up to date: Blurt Contest - Let's support #humor & earn DCC & Blurt Delegation !

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What is funny is relative and judging by how the Oscars went down with Will Smith landing a slap on Chris Rock, this only confirmed my intuition all along. It's easier to enjoy a joke when it's not at your expense but when the joke is being made on you and about you, it's easier not to find the funny side of it. How funny a joke is depends on how the audience receives it.

What do you consider funny?

What I consider funny are the jokes that don't dehumanize another human being. Anything can be funny but when it starts touching sensitive subjects that make another person feel less of a human, I don't take it because I wouldn't want to be at the receiving end of such too just to humour others.

What I consider funny can be the state of our country, the funny events that happened which no one saw coming. Our government telling us a snake swallowed millions of dollars would always be humourous to me.

Should humour have limits?

I believe it should. We don't have to put people down because we want to cash in on our traits. There should be a place to draw the line and also I think it depends on knowing if the person can take it or not. There are some you would joke about their sensitive issues and they would laugh because they have come to terms with it and they are at a point where it doesn't even bother them anymore. Not everyone is like that which is why we need to tread softly.

What kind of humour do you like?

I love any kind of humour especially if it doesn't make fun of the physical struggles or mental struggles of others. If it's about one stupid act another person did without thought, I am up for it. If it is about creative thinking, I am up for it but not anything that makes another human being feel less based on their mental and physical state.

Like I said, humour is relative and I found this funny on @erh.germany's post where she narrated her ordeal and how she would have reacted differently to what her brother did when he pulled off the "Can I talk to the manager" card. You can read the post here: "CAN I TALK TO THE MANAGER!"

It was a funny painted scenarios of how she would have gotten her fun and thrills but this particular part got me laughing:

"No sale of chocolates with alcohol to minors under 18 years of age."
I tried to imagine how one human can get drunk on pralinés!
How many do you have to eat to get the same impact as you get from drinking a bottle of beer, wine or other liquors?

I had to read that twice and I laughed every time. This is the kind of humour that I love not the type that dehumanize.


Gingered Up! ❣️

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

HaHa! What a surprise to see my post being mentioned here.
I am happy to have provided you with a good laugh. Thank you for letting me know :)

I may come back another day to give response to some of the questions you asked here.
Bye bye

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hahaha I am glad to have you here and no problem at all. I enjoyed your wonderful post.