Women are more attracted to men wearing masks! That is very real.

in humanity •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim All Praises Great Allah Tayala Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu How are you all I hope you are very well in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty I will also say a lot today Women are more attracted to men wearing masks!
That is very real.

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Experts have banned reading Max to protect themselves from the start.
Reading Max in the right and beautiful way reduces the risk of suffering from pity, but this time Max is associated with another name of beauty.
Researchers are claiming that the beauty of men is enhanced by reading Max, not just to avoid the disease of compassion.
The study was conducted at Cardiff University's School of Psychology,
Dr. Michael Lewis, a researcher at the university, said that if anyone had read Max before the epidemic, he would have been seen differently, but this perception has changed a lot since the epidemic.
"In fact, we wanted to see how people feel about wearing Page Max and how they take it," he said.
Besides, research is being done on what kind of max is better to read.
The results of the study are very good.
According to the results of the study, men are more beautiful than before when they read Surgical Max.
In this case this max was worn by health workers just before.
Work on the first phase of the study began in February 2021.
And at this time wearing Max was compulsory in Britain.
In this case, 43 women were shown pictures of men without Marx and men wearing Max.
Then they were asked to look at the pictures beautifully and give numbers 1 to 10.
In this case, it has been seen that most of the women have given higher marks in the pictures of the men who read Max.
And still, when you walk on the street, what you see now is that men look much more beautiful when they say Max. It seems that the beauty of their face has increased a lot. I hope you like today's article and will come up with a new topic at the end.

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