Something that is involved in our daily lives

in humanity •  2 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem All Praises Great Allah's Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu How are you all I hope you are well in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Alamin I will talk to you.


Have you ever wondered, many fish have gone away from us this year, Ramadan has come, Ramadan has gone away, the precious time is slowly disappearing from our lives, we have lost our childhood, we have lost our adolescence, now we are running towards youth. Gradually we will lose the youth from our lives. One day we will grow old. Have we ever wondered where our ancestors were? How many people have come, where are those people now, where are they lost, our father, our grandfather, our father, his father, his father, how many years have passed, who was in the world, how many days were there, how long will we be in this world? I'm leaving.
This world is nothing but a mirage of fog. No matter how many times you run after the people of the world, no one will remember you at the end of the day. You die in the morning and come back in the afternoon. I am also making a mistake. We are forgetting that we are not praying even though we know of certain death.
Knowing certain death, we cannot refrain from wrongdoing. We are unjustly doing wrong deeds. We are constantly praying and we are sitting in silence. But one thing Allah has noticed. Like I am spending precious time of my life in wrongdoing.
There is a hadith in Sina to follow the path shown by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the path shown by Allah. What are you doing in this world? Death is inevitable. Remember death is inevitable. You can come into my life at any moment. Infinite Infinite. On that day, everyone must pray more and more. Remember Allah. Stay well. Stay healthy. Assalamualaikum, I will definitely talk about a new topic or another topic that may appear among you.

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