The Man who builded 1.25 lakhs nest for Homeless Birds

in humanity •  4 years ago 

There are lot of people i have seen here and on many different social platforms who write about nature and it's importance. I myself is one of them who have written few blogs on this topic.

But today i came across a story of a man who has inspired me alot and i would like to share about him with all the rest of the people here as well.

He is a old man who is building nest for birds so that birds are not left homeless.

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Now you might be thinking why would birds be left homeless and why do a human needs to build nest for themselves.

In the last 20 years there has been a great development here and all that development has reduced the number of trees at a quite large scale.

Earlier the birds use to build their nest inside our houses , I remember my father told me stories about birds making their nest inside the houses.

But with time people have changed and the way houses are built has also changed. Now no one allows the bird to make nest inside their houses and even the trees are gone missing.

This will either make birds from our location to fly at some other location in search of new houses or they would probably die.

So this man to whom i would like to salute for taking such a great initiative. He has builded 20 nest recently in the area i.e very near to my house.

And so far the man has builded a total of 1.25 lakhs nest. Isn't that a great achievement.

So , what do you think about this man ? I would say that he has inspired me to do something similar and surely i will do something and share it here soon.

Thank You

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