Human mentality should become Eagle

in human •  3 years ago 


If you want to do something in life, you have to be like a hawk. There is no need to be like a parrot because people like parrots just because they talk because parrots talk and make people happy. A parrot is like a doll in a human hand, but a hawk is independent of its purpose.

A very important one for life:
The hawk likes to move freely alone and this hawk can fly very high. Ebas birds do not accompany any other bird and do not follow anyone, they move at their own pace. It gives us this education tie that you small and narrow minded people have to maintain a certain distance from the country.

The hawk's eyesight is so keen that he can see his prey up to five kilometers completely clear. And when he sees his goal, he rushes at an impassable pace to reach his goal. No obstacle can stop him because he is unwavering in his goal. And it teaches people that when you set a specific goal, you don't stop at what you need to do to achieve your goal. Because the person who will work will face many kinds of obstacles, but if he sees the obstacles and stops in fear, he will not be able to reach his goal.

The hawk never eats any dead animal. The hawk always eats live prey. And it teaches you that what happened in your past is dead but what you have now is alive and you have to run after it. Because the advantages and disadvantages of the past, the difficult moments that happen in life, if one keeps those in mind, then his life becomes painful.

Birds take refuge in their homes when a natural disaster strikes, but hawks are an exception. In this catastrophic moment during the storm the pass birds start to rise in the joy of the mind and when they rise so high they go up on the clouds and they start to have a lot of fun. And the thing is that it teaches you that when you are in danger, you can enjoy it even in the midst of danger. He will not be able to do anything until the situation improves.

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