Responsive UI and Navigation Idea... harvest finance

in html •  4 years ago 

I just started on this harvest finance UI thing and I am still playing with it some ideas and I am not sure what I am going for yet...
But this is what I got so far.

I like the navbar. I just like how it looks but everything else I am not 100%... 😑 😑 😑

Oh well I guess I am going to play with it more later this week...

Navbar thing is just this and I Bootstrapped it. I will use UIkit when I have more time 😆


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

No UIkit makes Johnny go mad! Nice navbar though, and extra points for responsiveness. I also focused on that in my design since their current website won't open on mobile 😂

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Really? I don't know what to do!!! 😂😂😂

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