How interesting this tree 🌴

in how •  3 years ago 


I live in a little village and my village has a special big tree. And it is rare in the world. Because I don't hear about the same name of tree. Today I want to share with you about this tree.

This tree situated Bagerhat District, Rampal Upazilla, Kumlai Village. From my childhood I am seeing this big tree. This tree name is "Pobon." And same place had one more big tree whose name was "Mon". And according to this my village market name is "Mon Pobontala" bazar. But with sadness I tell that the name of "Mon" is no more. But how don't know anybody.

More interesting matter this big tree has not planted by any person. Some old persons say that may be any natural disasters time this tree came here and placed here. According to my grandfather opinion this big tree age may be 200 years more. Some time visitors come to visit this tree. And this big tree has big hole. When I studied in Pobontala Govt. Primary School, I claimed on the tree and saw this big hole. And one more time scientist visited and examined this ground and they give a result that this is not a as usual tree. And into this tree ground has something special things.

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