Unshackled minds - Thick as a brick

in housing •  3 years ago 


Jethro Tull sang it.

Good album, I have 2 copies of that. But albums/records/LP's are not what I want to write about here, so call that click bait.


Accent added for Klaus Schwab.
I already know how this works, how "they" will own everything and we own nothing.
We have already received mystery offers pinned to our gates at our farm. You can take a quick rip/trip around the parts of the farm we do not grow food on below.

50% over the current valuation too. But who would be so crazy to offer so much over the valuation price? Banks and hedge-funds, that is who. No we are not selling.

"Wall Street is buying up family homes. The rent checks are too juicy to ignore."

"Pension funds, investment firms and Wall Street banks are snapping up family homes in Europe and the United States at a rapid pace as prices rocket higher."


With rule changes that were introduced over the last 2 years, banks are now outbidding private buyers. As the article states though, it is not only banks.
Renting not buying will become the new normal within a few years, there is no doubt in my mind about that.
When for profit companies own properties it is not in the interest of those that will rent off them, the onus to maintain the properties will be forced onto the person that rents rather than the owner.
Could you imagine BlackRock or Vanguard coming to fix your broken rain gutter? Me neither.

"This is how big Corps destroy the American dream! Blackrock is buying up US homes like no tomorrow."

"If the average American is pushed out of the housing market, and most of the available housing is owned by investment groups and corporations, you become beholden to them as your landlord. This fulfills part of the Great Reset’s “new normal” dictum — the part where you will own nothing and be happy. This isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s part of WEF’s 2030 agenda."


50% over the spot price I would think would be very tempting for most people, but when you study prices to buy something to replace what you have sold, you will also have to pay over the odds to compete with the very people you sold to, banks.

I like the farm, I like the serenity/peace, the quiet in the spring, summer, autumn.
What price could you put on a "peace of mind?"
Sometimes I make small holes in the ground and play 9 holes of golf, try doing that on a small property in town, not happening is it.
Sure the 2 houses are a little run down, but we like them, sure there could be a housing estate instead, but then where do the wild deer go?
Even if they offered me double the price it is worth I would not be selling, there is simply no price you can put on happiness.

I have noticed a lot of the "younger generation" on social media calling for the end of private property, I am unsure what they aim to achieve by this, do they expect people like me to just burn the deeds to my land? Give it away? Stop farming?

It seems it is always those that have nothing that want everyone else to own nothing traditionally speaking, but now it is the WEF members, the UN etc.
The shift is from the have nots to the haves.
If you are not on the home ownership ladder now, in a few years it may not be possible again, at this rate at least.

Between BlackRock ( 6.84 trillion $ )and Vanguard (7 trillion $ ) alone they have 14 trillion $ to play with in the housing market.
Pension companies have even more.
The flood-gates are open now to these funds buying houses, and all by design.


Is closer than anyone thinks or imagines.

Anyway, they can offer me what ever they want, not selling, not at any price, paper money is just that, bits of paper, not interested, not now, not ever.

Have a simply stunning weekend and have some fun. We will. 😃

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's a reversal of previous experience, where repossessed homes were sold off as fast as possible. Then let's wait for the "are you vaxxed" clause in the rental agreement.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"Then let's wait for the "are you vaxxed" clause in the rental agreement."
That has been happening for over a year.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

shit! glad I'm not there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thailand has played a part too though with no travel allowed, then the alleged fast track in if you are pricked.
I was watching a live-feed of Pattaya a few days back & Walking street looks like it may never recover, soi8, soi 7, second road the lot, looks like a ghost town, glad I did it when it was good, looks like many will never get the chance to experience the "madness" that was.
What percent of GDP was tourism for them, a lot - I would suggest. 25%?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello, sorry for the question... So I wonder if I had a paypal account, I sent an email...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am going to do a post fundraiser for you this week.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the support... Grateful... Blessings to you... I told my mother and she was very moved...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
