I think I'm gonna go down to the shore...
Before you try us just know that the whole team is full savage
No weapons formed against me will ever prosper
Watch how you keep talkin
Just know I'm off my rocker
God loves the gangster and fuck ups
Be careful what you say there are angels among us
I fucked up a lot with my handling of a precious thing.
Funny thing happens when I fuck up with my most Savage of Angels.
Some things no man can put asunder. Her Father says.
I hope everybody else has enjoyed an EARTHQUAKE dynamic of late.
I beheld an angelic prophetess breathe "it's go time" and that was just the beginning of what my Father gifted me through the... experience.
Something for the men who still read...
My warnings about the churches in America were never too warlike.
They were just MISSdirected at those already! seeking Christ in this day... the women.
The Angels. The Hippy Artists. The Sensitive. The Afflicted.
The Mary Magdalenes and others amongst us.
She always wins.
Don't for a second think I ever lost faith. This age and the next.
Which brings me to my math problem, MEN.
I have been on the phone and in person with some of these women you seek to conquest in your broken quest for peace via the system you grew up in.
I have what your Spirit of Mary needs. I have what you need.
Help me help you help Him help me. Fucking seriously. Please.
I will shield all of them if you men make me. Won't have any choice.
Front Row Seat on the Giant Green roller coaster of God's Will until death.
OH wait. Death.
Funny thing about death. Did you know there is a first and a second death?
This is an invitation for those who have ears to hear.
Prophets falling with failed prophecies and people losing faith in prophets as they charge them.
Poor Balaams. Most of them don't even know their own spirit's error.
I have spent years walking the earth to and fro seeking Godly people.
You guys yet with jobs and worldly care need to stop letting it be just the 17 year old stoner spirits speaking to the Spirit in our women.
Sigh. I know most of you ain't gonna hear me.
I seek sinners and I am a specialist.
Maybe you are the guy that can relieve my math problem pressure.
Don't hurt yourself there, gentlemen.
There are rules for how such things are measured.
That green field was well worth the price I paid.
She knows the consequences if I get off the tightrope.
So do the men who remind me of mine while completely ignoring their own.
If the Angel in your life is seeking Christ today, will she find Him in you?
Do you know the damage you and she sharing thresholds is causing you both?
Is the God of the Bible your God?
Wives, daughters, sisters and what do you know the testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy.
You don't know?
Where will she be when you fall because you ignored the Revelation of Jesus Christ that he gave to His servants?
His servants... the prophets.
Speaking of miraculous powers and prophecy...
Get it?
I can show you how to find a seal.
At the beach.
Be there for all of your Spirit-led women seeking Him.
Otherwise you will be left behind when the Bridegroom comes.
Find me.
Bring some cannabis.
They say I am just a homeless guy with marijuana induced psychosis.
Tears of joy and tears of loss. So proud of you.
The Protection. Is. Not. Optional.
Smile. You know.
I like Blockchain
I play on Blockchains 🥓
Are you still on the Left coast Mike? 🖖
draneM 🤬
Sandals on the ground there tomorrow again.
Wish I was more mobile and able to visit SD on occasion... saving my pennies for a sweet travel van... 🖖
Imagine RioRancho
PADs 🥓
Just a matter of time brother... 🖖
Call me up 🤬
I'll sell you on how much Time Matters 🥓
Strawmen Yards