Hello J.
This slap event shows me that not many people have experienced being a slapper or slappee.
In my case, I was with my church family who experienced my shock and humiliation vicariously. I never felt guilty for defending myself. I refused to feel reduced. T asked for the slap. Had the nuns chosen to discipline me, that wouldn’t have gone down well. I had said zero swear words. I didn’t react with an indulgent display of indignation and T’s mocking to corner me was short lived.
I’m glad my one and only slap was enough to conclude the event. Will’s slap isn’t doing so well for him. It magnified the cracks of his life. It’s sad how much he has fallen.
At the end of the day, the Hollywood slap, served the Oscars sponsors. People stopped talking about war, exorbitant petro prices, and wondering where Fauci was. The powers that be won.
“Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.”
Put on your seatbelts, 2022 is just starting.