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  ·  6 months ago  ·  

Very funny!

Posted from

  ·  6 months ago  ·  

LOL, a classic!

Posted from

When I see people do that here in mexico for whatever reason ass whoopings usually get served. Hell, cops get shot the hell up.

In the city i live in, only local law enforcement are allowed. And the military. Any feds come through, they get lit up quick.

Posted from

  ·  6 months ago  ·  

Locally, a red neck got put and poured deer urine from his hunting supplies on the guys head. I like both methods!



  ·  6 months ago  ·  

Mace would be considered assault, but I doubt if deer urine use is on the books!

I wonder if used motor oil on the pavement, up hill from them would work better? Every time they move, pour more, and tell them the pollution is their fault?

My maybe a valve controlled port of hot radiator water (aimed forward) car is overheating, sorry about the scalding!


Water in a gas can. Pour some on the ground around them then act like you are trying to light it with your lighter. They will react even though they do not smell gas and no one would light gasoline with a lighter. I have seen this as a bathroom stall prank - funny and people react. LOL.

  ·  6 months ago  ·  

Oh I like that, especially if you warn others back to be safe!

I wonder if something not flammable would smell like gasoline? Carbon tetrachloride might work...they used it in fire extinguishers. It's all in the presentation!

I bet a 'cow catcher' style bumper would be popular, and could be Fun!



  ·  6 months ago  ·  

The cow catcher bumper might be a good business venture. I bet exports to Germany alone would be worth a fortune!

They need to begin jailing these fools, at hard labor cleaning up the environment!!!!


  ·  6 months ago  ·  

....waste of good fuel - implementing the rubber/metal, kinetic method is much better- and cheaper ! (and one less CO2, useless consumer! - defo for the greater good)

Posted from