Bali Denpasar day

in holiday •  2 years ago  (edited)


Day 2 fellow bloggers - in paradise.

Soooo I skipped breakfast and set off on foot again, yes I have a free bike to use, but on a bike I do not get to meet people and get the thousands of smiles, and hello shouts from everyone.

I walked passed a barbers shop and walked back and had a haircut, the first thing the barber did was ask if he could take a picture of me, so yes it was.

It was the best cut I ever had and it cost 15,000 RP or 96 pence/$1, so I gave him a tip on top, he took another picture and then a selfie with me, I get that a lot here, they must think I am someone famous lol 😀.

I carried on walking in search of some blutooth wireless headphones so I can have gps on the bike sometime soon, but now having second thoughts about riding the bike as the locals are so friendly that I would miss the smiles, chats, photos and that thing that makes life so much fun, human contact, it really is that friendly here compared to the UK and Poland, I feel like I am on a different planet.

It started raining.

The gent in the photo above stopped and said "hey my friend how are you doing today" and in my confusion I said great and shook his hand thinking it was the gent from yesterday. The rain was now getting torrential and I was getting soaked in shorts and a T shirt, he said jump on I give you a lift, I never asked where to lol. 😀

As the rain intensified he had on a baggy rain cover and said "put it over your head to stay dry.
I did and thought if my mother could see me now she would be saying "what the hell are you playing at" lol.
So there I was with a thing on my head, blind, going the wrong direction to where I reside (for now) until he stopped about 5 miles away.
I lifted the rain cover off my head to see 5 motorbike taxi riders to my left and a brick wall with a doorway but no door to my right and thought "here comes fight night" although one of the riders came over and handed me an umbrella.

The doorway led to a coffee plantation and was the best place I have been so far, taken by a stranger from the kindness of his heart.


There were coffee plants everywhere on multiple ground levels and the drinks you see above were 13 in total and free, if you bought 1 Bali coffee. So I bought a coffee for me and my new friend who spent an age looking at my bike collection on my phone, when I said I have more on my camera he said okay, looked at a few then said "enough - "there are so many I like, I cannot look anymore" we laughed and drank one of the best cups of coffee I have ever had.

On the way in I noticed some animals in cages, turns out they feed these the beans, when they are excreted out, they wash them, then roast them, 2 pics below.




In the first picture the pleasant and lovely lady is roasting beans, in the second she is making some instant and or smaller.

My day got better, whilst looking at my photos of bikes, I was asked how long I am staying, I said "up to me" to which drew a wow face. The random stranger then said he had a daughter in law that has a massive villa the other side of the island, would I like to stay there for a month or two for free? To which I replied (after he said 2 minute walk from the beach and 3 large rooms with a kitchen, and showed me pictures of the swimming pool plus luxurious huge gardens YES. But I do not want to stay for free, I want to pay something, maybe the same price I was offered on for my other place that I can cancel.

He offered also to drive me there for free, 3 hours drive, again I said I have to at least pay for the fuel.

So that is my next destination for a month or two from the 15th.


I found this place yesterday, it says cs gold and silver but also has a sign for a restaurant, so I headed there on foot after my new friend went home.

And had the best crispy duck in my life.

There were green beans so I ate one and it nearly blew my head off, the duck was sublime, the dippers deadly, but at $10 including a beer, who cares :-)......

I am so in love with Bali and the people I will find it hard to leave here, ever.
I have never felt so happy and at peace with myself as here, in 56 years, NEVER.

Although money does not grow on trees, so reality bites as one day mine will run out, till then though, I shall lap up every minute of this beautiful place, everywhere I go I keep smiling, and the locals love it, as much as I love them and their smiles, what a fantastic place to be, feels like heaven.

If you follow my posts and me, by now you realise there is something deeply wrong with my family relationship to be hear on my own, and there is, my wife does nothing but complain, I have drifted from my daughter since she started her periods, and my mother in law lives TOOOO fucking near, excuse my language, but yes, I need some me time, some of this nice people to see time, some friendly faces, not miserable A holes that want a fight just because I speak English in Poland.

If I can stay here, I am never going back, end of story!
I do not even care about my £100,000 of bikes anymore.

Now where do you get a divorce in Poland?.......

I will keep posting daily updates, hope you like them as much as I love being here. Have a fantastic day one and all.




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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I know exactly what you mean.
My husband and I spent our vacations in Southeast Asia for years.
I always loved it and I was happiest in places
in places where there was little tourism.
But of course it is not rare,
that people also see the dollars in us
and therefore seek contact.
However, this is the case everywhere in the world.

At some point we drove in the other direction.
What is also really recommendable: Colombia.
The people there are friendly, relaxed and very humorous.
It is one of the few countries where I could imagine living permanently.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They are poor here it seems, I could break it down from yesterday, 95% just want a "hello" back, 4 % want money off me, 1% want money so bad they will do anything to get it, but without physical harm, I still find them charming, as a male that can fight.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Glad you are having an awesome time in Bali mate, I hope you can find the best path forward in regards the family whatever direction that may be.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers mate, all I want is my wife to appreciate I do not want her mother coming around every day as she shouts, argues and brings things we do not need.
And I want to buy a house nearer Lublin as everyone speaks English there plus there is a lot to do where as where we live there is nothing to do, and nobody speaks English. I am renovating one farm house so living in it is not an option and the other one is beyond repair.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hope it all works out mate.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It will as she is opening up to new ideas, slowly, but I will stay here until I get my way re mother in law and a house somewhere more interesting, too old to be living in a crappy apartment most of the year.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am Indonesian, I live in Lampung Province, located on the island of Sumatra, thousands of kilometers from Bali.

In general, Indonesian people are friendly and welcome to newcomers.

I am proud that you are very comfortable and impressed with the welcome of the Balinese.

Greetings from Indonesia...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello my friend, they have been superb, even the police today, please read my article today to see what happened.😀👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hang on, did you say they make coffee from what the monkeys shit out? That is a bit odd...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed I did and they do.

yeh toffs pay a lotta money for that monkey shit hahahaha

Posted from