hello blurt

in hive •  3 years ago 

I wasn't really planning on using blurt, except maybe to test the waters for development. The price has really fallen in about a years time.

Hive is undergoing a new controversy, including a major whale complaining he isn't making enough money in holding hive so he endorses taxing user content 10%, and taxing people 5% to powerup. Taxation as we all know is theft-although I did see a .009 blurt fee when I powered up. Obviously it is a continuing pattern of Whales demanding more and more of the inflation, and leaving little for actual content producers. Mind you hive went up from about 11 cents in December to about 50 cents at last look-but that wasn't good enough. If you were to ask me, Dan's ideas would turn hive into a pyramid scheme-with a 10% tax penalty to exit quickly.

theycallmedan's model, if it is ever adopted, won't support a mass exodus from the chain like what Justin sun did to Steem, but it does support users finding a new home to produce content whether it be games, blogs, images, etc. So what Dan wants to turn Hive into would be some defi-esque system in the middle of no where that no one has any incentive to use to create content; hive rewards would be produce through inflation, and when taxing people who accidentally powered up or quickly had to sell. It literally begins the end of Hive as a blockchain for platforming creative content-as the whales want a greater rate of return on the inflation...yes inflation. There are individuals already planning to fork a new chain.


At least Justin Sun promised to protect private property rights, Dan wants the exact opposite. Of course Justin Sun was a liar, but Steem chain split before he stole some $6 million our of users wallets. Governance should strive to at least be better than a tyrant.

I do like small crypto projects, and I'll probably create a dummy account and try to get beem running and running a few tests. My experience with python is very limited; I hate it to be quite honest with how rigid it is compared to other languages. Not making any promises with developing on blurt, just thinking I'll get my feet wet since it should be similar to hive & steem. The project I am working on will probably be another few months before I think about porting it to anything-and I would rather port it to something with NFT support.

Hopefully Dan and the other whales will come to their senses. If not, well the people of hive have a history of leaving the old colony behind. We shouldn't have to remind the hive whales of this; you can't buy a community.

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I see blurt charges a .4-.5 fee to make a post. Maybe blurt isn't a good platform to do development. This reply will cost about .08. It's not that the 1-4 sats will kill me, but a good dapp could make hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions of posts. comments, custom_jsons and the price of blurt, if ever used like that, wouldn't stay at 8 sats forever.