Keeping It Short and Simple: Bali Tour Guiding Tip

in hive-196037 •  last year 

Being a tour guide in Bali, I need to apply the "KISS" when delivering information to my clients. KISS stand for keep it simple and short. In humorous way people In this video, people sometimes refer it to as "keep it simple, stupid."

I shared about an example on how to be simple and short when answering a question. For example, when a client ask "how many religions are there in Bali." some may answer ,by saying unnecessary things like, "okay, before I answer your question, I need to tell you the the population of Bali is about 4,3 millions people and most of us work in agricultural sector.... and so on..." , instead of just answering directly, "six."

I had the guilt of doing so in the past. I felt that I need to add up information before answering question rather than just replying directly to the question. Probably, it's a cultural thing or just a habit.

Being a tour guide, I learnt on how to apply the KISS whenever I can apply it. In every day life, it is crucial to be short and simple as well. So, we could avoid misunderstanding.

Just my cup of tea.

Thanks for reading.

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