Going to My Uncle Farm to Pick up Some Coconuts

in hive-196037 •  2 years ago 

Hello everyone, in this post, I share about a recent visit to my uncle's house in a remote village.

I went to his farm with him to pick up some coconuts. He has a big farm and approximately 50 coconut trees altogether. From a coconut tree, you could get about 20 or so coconuts, so you can imagine how many coconut he has during harvest.

But, he did not harvest coconuts anymore. He just let the coconuts to fall naturally to the ground, when they ripe or old enough.

"It's a lost to harvest the coconuts," my uncle explained. The price of coconut is very cheap at the moment it does not cover the expense of hiring people to climb and pick the coconuts and the transportation to the buyers. Last time, when the price of coconut was high he could get about USD 200 per harvest after paying all expense. Nowadays, he could not make it like that.

So, he just let the coconut fell down and gave away to people, including me. He gave me some coconuts for cooking and making Balinese cakes to sell. (Well, not me, my wife who makes the cake). He said no need to buy coconuts, just come here to get some.

We only get the coconut once, we never go to his house to get coconuts, because we don't want to trouble him.

We did suggest him instead of selling the coconuts in a lost, make coconut oil out of them. Coconut oil was definitely in demand, and cost much more than the raw coconut. My uncle said he was going to think about it, but I doubt if he would ever do it.

He just want to relax. But will see about it.

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HEllo friend

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hello, nice to meet you

Nice to meet you to hope to see you around
Keep up with the good content

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hello, nice to meet you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The land is very abundant