Walking Around The Little Park in My Town

in hive-196037 •  2 years ago 

Looking for a place for an adventure, that's what I am trying to do. So, that's how I ended up here, in this little park in my town. Was there a place that I haven't explored thoroughly in my town? That was the question I asked myself before going to this place. And that question lead me here.

I haven't really explored this park very well. I have seen it from the street every time I passed this area. And I wanted to go to this place, and finally I did stepped my feet on this popular park among the youngsters and families.

There was a statue inside the park located in the middle of a pond. That's what I usualy saw from the street. There are also another pond and more statues. I like the other pond which has fountains and some women statues who bring urns where water flow out of them.

There more statues inside the park. I walked by them all. There were soma litter, that probably visitors left. I put some of the litter in the bin, then continued walking on the pavement among the bushes. It was indeed a small park, when you walk around, you'll probably only need half an hour or so. But if you sit on available benches, and enjoy the atmosphere in the park, you will probably spend more time in this beautiful little park.

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