Talking About Sunday Morning Activity and The Morning Market

in hive-196037 •  2 years ago 

I believe the only place where people go for entertainment regularly in my town is the town park. There is no other place, except restaurants of cafes. One corner of the town park becomes a morning market every Sunday. This is where most people (especially the youngsters) go.

The town that I live in is relatively small compared to Denpasar, the capital, where I used to work. I remember when I was younger I wanted to get away from this town. There was not a lot of things happening in this town.

When I was younger I rarely went out. The entertainment I got was only from reading novels by Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, and Alfred Hitchock and The Three Investigators. But those novel could not be bought in this town since there was no bookstore that sell them. I was lucky enough that a friend lent me the novels.

The stores on the main street closed at 7PM. Beyond that time, everything was quiet and dark. I hated that.

Things have slightly changed nowadays (thirty years later). The shops still closed at 7, but there are now additional modern shops that close at 10 PM. It is brighter at the main street in the evening nowadays.

Still, there is not much place for entertainment. There is not a single cinema or theater. However, every Sunday morning there is an a morning market in the town park. People go to that place for walking on a walking trek available in the town park, or just spend time with their kids and families there.

Many sellers appear every Sunday at the town park. Hence, the place become a market. There is also a playground for kids, and live music entertainment. This is the only free entertainment that I know available in this town.

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