RE: Let me introduce myself! Is Hive the best crypto for social content?

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Let me introduce myself! Is Hive the best crypto for social content?

in hive-196037 •  9 months ago  (edited)

Helpful Hive Tip: To avoid downvotes on Hive, inLeo, 3Speak, Peakd, you might want to remove any reference to #blurt on your Hive posts - It's perfectly fine to mention Hive, Steemit, Tron, Bitcoin, or any other Crypto on Blurt since there are no downvotes.

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Sounds good! Thanks!

Also … don’t mention Dtube on Hive. That gets lots of downvotes too.
Dtube is for Blurt and 3Speak is for Hive and Blurt etc …

Welcome to Blurt! Thanks for voting for my witness. From my understanding there is far less issue than there used to be on the down-vote platforms in regards to linking to other sitew where you post your work. It really good the platform and the price of blurt token. That being said you do what is best for you. I'm very happy you chose to share content and earn a little something here. So again, thank you for the support and a big welcome to Blurt!

Here is a 150,000 blurt delegation for a month or so to help get you get going and get you earning here on this platform.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Also don't mention dtube anywhere on hive.

Hope you enjoy both places.


No they don’t like steemit either lol

They say Steemit is dead …. but Look at Steem today ….up 22%


  ·  9 months ago  ·   (edited)

Whenever I talk to ppl in the real world involved in crypto they only know about steemit and don’t rly know anything happened. It’s only bloggers who rly know about it those out there in London just know steemit exists from my experience and I’ve been around a lot of crypto meet-ups here and high up crypto ppl barely anyone’s heard of hive. Investors only rly know of steemit from all of them and maybe d tube at most. I defo don’t update them lol

Or d tube or anywhere haha you basically can only earn money on hive if you become a shell of yourself, only talk about hive like it’s from the gods and are willing to sacrifice being a sovereign individual making your own Choices in life.

  ·  9 months ago  ·   (edited)

Some people will downvote you to zero if you mention Bitcoin on Hive. So much bad karma.