Insect Attack on Jackfruit and plant Care.

in hive-196037 •  last year 

Hello friends how are you all good I am also good friends.
During the winter season, all the jackfruit trees have started fruiting and flowering. Now it is necessary to take care of kathal trees. If you take care of the jackfruit tree now, the jackfruit fruit will grow beautifully and smoothly.
I have planted various jackfruit seedlings and I have a big jackfruit tree in my house. Jackfruit fruit is very delicious to eat and this jackfruit fruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. One of my jackfruit trees has had some insect infestation. These types of attacks can cause less yield. So I will apply some fertilizers and apply pesticides to the plants.

Some insects attacked my jackfruit tree.
As you can see my jackfruit plants have had some black beetle infestations.

Insect attack reduces yield. And the jujube fruit dries up. Jujube fruit is very sweet to eat and its cultivation is very simple. I have a very big jujube this jujube is very tasty and sweet to eat and its cultivation method is very easy.

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