RE: Let me introduce myself! Is Hive the best crypto for social content?

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Let me introduce myself! Is Hive the best crypto for social content?

in hive-196037 •  9 months ago 

Welcome! It's nice to meet another Blurtian from Canada. I think we're the only 2.
As far as I know, Blurt doesn't have any apps, or associated video platforms etc. Steem and Hive are where all those things are attached.
By the way, don't let downvoters control you! If you're afraid of getting downvotes so much that you say what you're supposed to (and don't say what you're not supposed to), the censors have won. We have to stand in our power and say what we believe to be true, regardless of the threat of punishment. Thankfully we don't have to worry about it at all on Blurt.
All the best and see you around : )

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Thanks for reaching out :) I believe we are a few from Canada. There is @offgridlife as well! Let's stay in touch my friend!

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Oh, right! I guess I was only thinking about Canadians who aren't draining the platform at the expense of the rest of us. I was the lone voice until today, as far as I'm aware. I was thinking about starting a Canadian curation project, perhaps once I hit 1 million BP somewhere around New Years : )

Yes. As you know there are a several Canadians on Blurt. 🇨🇦 … Including the main Developer of the Platform.