She brings up a lot of great points and cites a lot of the BlackRock connections with Trump and Those controlling the Biden / Harris Administration. Another negative mark in my mind with Trump are the political contributions from Pfizer for the 2016 election and then ultimately getting caught up in the Scamdemic and keeping evil little Faucci around. He has stopped flexing Operation Warp Speed which was the expediated rollout of the "vaccines" which have injured more people and helped nothing. 7 States have now sued Pfizer for trying to keep all the egregious side effects a secret from the public. It's hard to know how much damage the vaccine rollout did.
All that being said everyone is aligning behind Trump including Barak Obama's brother, Tim Waltz's brother, Robert Kennedy Jr, Elon Musk, and Tulsi Gabbard. All the mock elections that have been ran online pretty much puts it at a landslide. Trump 70%, Harris 30%. The polls are trying to pretend it is neck and neck and they plan to rig this election. It's pretty clear what their game plan is. The United States is in trouble but it could get way worse. I think it is very likely financial markets will all collapse this month.
▶️ DTube
whitney webB FTW
Yeah she is really good!
And they definitely rigged 2020....
On a lighter note, Aliens exist 🥓
Yeah, 2020 was rigged. Olympus fell a long time ago.
What do you think of El Salvadore?
I made a suggestion to the King Of Congo to follow their lead...
Now im serios about Building down there...
Seeing as all tbeir Old Prisoners are running round America now.
I think it is an interesting case study. I haven't been down there. I think I will ultimately end up in Eastern Europe.
Check into Estonia
Latvia too
Yeah I have researched both those countries as well.
Zoom out ….
They have been calling for a Stock Market Collapse for many years now. I have done much better just buying the dips…. Same goes for Bitcoin
Dow Jones :
Bitcoin :
The stock market seems really pumped up now and the United States is really coming apart at the seams. I'm expecting a 2008 level implosion for several reasons but I get what you are saying. With crypto I have done better taking profits and then reentering the market over the last 11 years. The first cycle I got upside down in 2013/2014. After that I was a little more adapted to what was going on and was able to start getting wins. In a lot of ways though what you are saying is correct. If someone just kept buying hard dips and remained in the money and was able to keep building.
I have done well just buying $10 - $100 on the really big Bitcoin dips. And then selling a little on the next all time High. I am doing much better just collecting the free Satoshi, Dogecoin, TRON on the Faucets…. Plus blogging here on Blurt and Steemit.
I know you have mentioned the Lightning network Satoshi faucets but what Dogecoin and TRON faucets are you currently on?
This one … I collect Free TRON and Dogecoin every 6 hours.. it adds up quickly
Nice! That is awesome!