My Actifit Report Card: December 3 2022

in hive-193552 •  2 years ago 

The start of a busy Saturday consists on of serious cleaning up!

With 12 kids here today all told, it's non stop from 9 till 6pm and it's generally bedlam!

At least I might do better than just creep over the 5k mark, these little monkeys really keep me on my toes so I'm expecting great things.

It's not helped by the fact I stopped up rather late, well into the early hours to watch the football, I have never seen such a crazy qualifying stage normally it's a load of boring draws but not this time.

Now we can all sit down and see what the business end of the tournament has in store!

Have a great weekend and best wishes to all

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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